Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel are "really in love" – ​​28-Jul-2018


An insider said, "Justin and Jessica are really in love, and their marriage is so strong right now, and even with Silas, they still make their relationship a top priority and have fun with each other. .

Jessica, 36, and Silas are currently accompanying the hitmaker's Say Something & # 39; around the world on his "Man of the Woods Tour", and the family could not be happier to share their love of music with each other.

The source added, "Music plays a huge role in their relationship, they love to sing together, Jessica really has a beautiful singing voice, and they even dance on the table together at their house!"

despite being on tour, Justin does not care about "partying and going out" until late at night, as he preferred to spend his time

The insider told the Us Weekly magazine: "When it's family off stage, it's 100% daddy. Finished the party and hang out until all hours of the night. Justin is a very different man from this trick. He was a family man. "

Meanwhile, this is not the first time that sources have spoken affectionately about the couple's relationship, because in January, it was said that the two worked so well together because they were" best friends. "

A source said at the time:" Jessica and Justin are real best friends and that's why they work so well.They like to spend time together. They do not have to do much, but they still laugh and have fun. "

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