Khloe Kardashian Reveals Post-Baby Bod in Amazing New Photoshoot


Khloe Kardashian must feel good in her post-baby body as she finally showed a full picture of her slamming body.

The youngest sister Kardashian gave birth to her first true daughter in April and has since taken, she shares only a handful of photos and videos online

Now, it looks like the new Mom is ready to resume her business as she launches the promotional campaign for her latest project: A Sportswear Range

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That's right, Khloe's Good American home extends from its denim roots to sportswear that can adapt to all shapes and sizes.

The new range – no doubt inspired by Queen's passion fitness living – will be launched on August 2nd, and Khloe began sharing photos of the campaign before the big day

The tanned doll looks absolutely incredible in the first picture, which reveals his tonic AF and his famous curves have already returned, only three months after having True.

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There is so much pressure on women that they come back to the size of their pre-baby almost immediately after they go out of the house. hospital. just not realistic and completely unfair because it suggests that a woman's body is all that matters.

Khloe's sister Kylie Jenner recently stated that her body has completely changed since she first gave birth earlier this year, a she revealed that she is more at ease with her, while pointing out that she is learning to change her style to flatter her new form.

Jim Spellman / Getty

Khloe was candid about the importance of health and fitness, foremost, rather than trying to give to his body a particular aspect.

We look forward to following her path and hope that she will eventually discover her fabulous mother's body

Words: Ross McNeilage

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