'Narrative of the maid & # 39; Final Summary: Season 2, Episode 13 – The Word & # 39;


Warning: The following recap contains spoilers for the finale of Season 2 of The Handmaid's

June, you are a gorgeous and valiant fool.

The second season of The Handmaid's Tale packs with: The choice to escape Gilead with her little girl or stay behind to try to free her older child, June chooses to stay where she is in the hope of helping Hannah from the inside.

Did I mention that Emily is also on the way to No-More-Bonnet-Land? And that she stabbed Aunt Lydia with a knife ?! Or that Commander Lawrence is not exactly what we thought he was? Or that Serena is missing a little finger now? And where does baby Holly / Nichole end?

Yes, we have a lot to unwrap. Read on for the highlights of "The Word".

IF I AM A BOY | As June and Rita folded the clothes of Eden, Jun's voices off, the heretics do not get burials or memorial services at Gilead; Instead, they are used as animal feed. "All that we leave behind us is the uniform: wife, maid, martha, mother, daughter, girlfriend, queen, bitch, criminal, sinner, heretic, prisoner," he adds. she. Rita feels guilty about not being kinder to Eden, a feeling June tries to dispel by saying, "I've slept with her husband." Women find a Bible among the girl's affairs; there are notes on God and faith scribbled on the pages.

June brings the book to the greenhouse, where Serena hangs out with baby Nichole. Ms. Waterford does not share June's regret or sorrow about the death of Eden, noting that Nick's wife "was not strong enough". It incenses the maid, who begins to shout to her mistress. "How are you going to keep her safe?" She cries, indicating the baby. "Are you going to lock her here like an orchid?" And when Serena answers that her daughter will understand and obey the word of God, June spits out "She can not read her word!"

 The Stories of Servants Final Recap Season 2 A HAPPY FAMILY (SECRET) | Back at home, June is shocked to learn that the father of Eden – who is visiting to apologize for the behavior of his daughter – is the one who brought her with Isaac to the authorities when they arrived together at the family home. "That reflects your family well," Fred smiles at Dad, and for the first of many times this episode, I want to tear his stupid beard hair one by one and feed him.

When everyone except June is gone, she spoils for a fight. And she has one. "What are you going to do when they come your daughter ," she scolds, and in response, he closes the door and then slaps her face. AND THEN IT MAKES IT A RETURN. (If you mark at home, that's the moment Michael Ausiello referred to in his latest column Ask Ausiello.) Fred grabs her by the face and pushes her on the couch. "You are the misery of all men," he says.

Later, Nick discovers that June iced her cheek in her room. "Your girlfriend is a badass," observes Rita, which makes her makes you smile. "Later, when he starts to get rid of a bit, June sneaks him to the nursery so that he can hold their baby for the first time." Look what we did, "says June, beaming. He smiles too, in fact, I've never seen Nick show off such sustained emotion.It's the equivalent of a sprinter who suddenly launches into a marathon.Get this man Gatorade He must be exhausted. "Holly, is your daddy," June adds, luring me towards me and whispering, "I love you" for the first time.

SERENA TAKES A STAND | Later, June, Emily, Janine and another maid walk together. It's the night of Emily's first ceremony with the Lawrences. She notes that it is also almost the 7th birthday of her son, Oliver. Emily is not OK about it, so June is trying to make her feel better by saying that they are going to celebrate in some way. "I'm glad I'm coming back here, I'm happy to see you again, June," Emily tells her friend in such a fatalistic way, "I write in my notes," THAT DOES NOT BODY NO NO NO NO "

Meanwhile, Serena and the rest of the teal set are hanging around somewhere else. Little Angela looks great. she is healthy and gaining weight, Naomi notes with pride. Serena asks her if she worries about the future of her daughter, and Mrs. Putnam parrots that she puts her faith in Gilead. But when Serena thinks subtly that she thinks "all children, boys and girls" should have a life of purpose, Naomi says she agrees – and that some of the other women have opinions on the issue

 The Summers' narratives Finale recap Season 2 Before you know it, Serena and a group of other women stand in front of Fred and the Remains of Gilead's governing council, proposing an amendment that would allow girls to learn to read so they can, like boys, understand the "gift" of Scripture. And when Fred tries to send her away, she takes out the Bible from Eden and starts reading. I know this is not The Colbert Report Fred, but you just have The Word. (It should be noted that when Serena begins to read, a group of women hurry up like the godly cockroaches they are.)

Outside the room, Serena tells her husband that his actions were aimed at " to give the example to our daughter. "He looks at her. "And so you have," he says, as two Gilead thugs come in to train him. While she's crying for him to stop, Fred turns quietly and goes off.

When they finally go home, Serena needs help to get to the floor. Fred cracks for a "tough day," but when June receives Ms. Waterford alone, she learns that Serena is missing her little finger – the standard punishment, you'll remember, for women reading. "I tried it," Serena said, broken. (Side note: This is not a new, but damn, Yvonne Strahovski has been a revelation in this role this season, no?)

Downstairs, June can not believe that Fred left the punishment arrive. "We all have our roles to play.Serena needed that we remind him of his," he says before insinuating that if June is "obedient", she might be able to stay in the house with the baby. Then he starts talking about how they can have another child, and she honestly looked less nauseous when she was choking on Aunt Lydia's green juice. "Are you going to Fred yourself," she whispers

THE REVIEW OF EMILY | At Lawrence's house, Emily sneaks a knife into the kitchen and slips it into her belt. But when she begins to prepare for the ceremony, the commander has no interest and sends her to her room; When Aunt Lydia goes the next day, it is clear that Commander Lawrence lied to make the old woman believe that everything went according to a plan (horrible horrible horrible). And when a disconcerted Emily keeps mum, Lydia wickedly remarks "it's like I'm stopping my tongue."

And that's all the momentum that Em needs to plunge the weapon into Aunt Lydia's neck (another breath of me!) She goes down the stairs (!!) up to # 39 it bleeds on the first floor. And so it is that the martha finds them. She asks Lawrence to take an ambulance, and Emily is banished to her room, where she laughs in a very unbalanced way until she starts sobbing.

Lawrence places Emily in the backseat of a car they drive, but he will not tell him what's going on. It turns on Annie Lennox's 'Walking on Broken Glass', which I adore but which will please me at the moment because it seems to me that Em – who sobs with fear – n & # 39; Is not long for this world.

 The Stories of Servants Final Recap Season 2 THIS IS TIME! | Back at Waterford's house, June feeds Holly when Rita rushes into the room and drops the bomb: "Come on in. We can get you out, you and the baby, but you have to go now, get your shoes." WAIT, WHAT? She says that "friends, marthas" can help carry June to a safe place, using as cover the chaos caused by a fire in the house. So, June gets her picture of Hannah, closes the baby and starts to chew!

When Fred realizes that the baby is gone, he runs to June's room and sees that she's writing "Nolite te bastardes carborundorum" in big letters on the wall. The captain is livid, but finds himself physically held back by Nick, who refuses to start a research team. (Yay Nick!)

Outside, however, Serena is in the greenhouse and sees June trying to get away. There is no time for subtlety, so June goes on the hard sell. "Serena, I can take her out, she can not grow up in this place," said the maid, begging her mistress to let them go, "I know how much you love her," she adds. June gives him the baby to say goodbye, and Serena cries so loudly that she can barely get out the prayer that she is trying to say on little Holly. "Blessings on you, Serena," June said. , finally leaving the property with the martha who came to retrieve it

 The Stories of the Servants Final Recap Season 2 JUNE IS NOT SURROUNDED BY THE ENTIRE END | They cross backyards and the like, with various marthas helping June en route, until they reach the tall grass. June is told to stay stable there; While she's waiting, she remembers singing The Velvet Underground & Nico "I'll Be Your Mirror" to a young Hannah. "Holly, here's your sister, Hannah … Is not she pretty?" June says in the present, pulling the picture. "Maybe you'll meet her someday, you'll meet her someday."

Then a car stops … and that's the one with Commander Lawrence and a totally lost Emily. "What's going on?!?!?!" Does request. "You're coming out of Gilead," he said, getting into his car and leaving. "Good life!" Well, it's an unexpected treat, right?

Emily climbs into a van that gets up and screams for June to join her … and that's when I realize June is going to do something noble but stupid. She puts the baby in Emily's arms and says, "Call her Nichole. Tell him I like him. "Then, over Emily's protests and my cries that it's perhaps the worst decision she can ever make, June closes the door and the van goes off." go. As June raises her hood, "Burning Down the House" plays on the soundtrack.

Now it's your turn. Evaluate the episode through the survey below – and weigh on the decision to stay in Galaad in June – then click on the comments to tell us what you think

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