New Zealanders would be lost without ABBA


Mamma Mia 2: Here We Go Again presents more songs from ABBA

AVIS: We Kiwis love a good musical.

A pretty stoic band across the board, there seems to be something about a grand ballad of Hugh Jackman or Cher singing Fernando running for the movie faster than we chase Richie McCaw on the road for a selfie.

This is a trend we observed with The Earth, Moana, Frozen, Perfect Pitch 2 and more recently, Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again.

  Alexa Davies, Jessica Keenan Wynn and Lily James in a scene of

Jonathan Prime

Alexa Davies, Jessica Keenan Wynn and Lily James in a scene from "Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again."

To paint an image from a spreadsheet, allow me to explain the numbers behind this trend.

* Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again: A second verse better than the first
* Mamma Mia! Dominic Cooper on the escape from modern life and the call of a job from 9 to 5
* The joy of ABBA to record two new tracks in the studio – but no new album to be released
* Mamma Mia! The new ABBA exhibition in London

Back in 2008, Mamma Mia was the first film of the year in Aotearoa, beating both Twilight and ] The Dark Knight .

In 2016, Disney's musical Moana reached second place at the local box office, losing only to the unshakeable Hunt for the Wilderpeople of Taika Waititi

]. After his recent release, Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again raised $ 1,580,000 locally

So already, the 2018 end-of-year race should be a hotly contested battle between Panther , Incredibles 2, Avengers: Infinite War, 2017 The largest Showman ( who checked in 2018), and the continued Mamma Mia we spent a [19659017] Seriously, can you believe that Cher is in this movie !? ” title=”” src=”×349.1qxr4o.png/1532396595299.jpg” class=”photoborder”/>

Ser iously, can you believe that Cher is in this movie?

I know you're not asking any of these numbers, because you understand exactly how that happened. Your mother, your father and your neighbor next door have already seen the rest, and your 11 year old niece will not stop talking about it.

At the other end of the world, the American box office tells different story.

In 2008, Mamma Mia did not even make the top 10, nor Moana when he was released. In 2012, Pitch Perfect scarcely scratched the Top 50, and in 2016, the musical La La Land awarded an Oscar, unfortunately was found in 19th place .

Of course, American moviegoers were not so keen on seeing Meryl, Amanda, Pierce and Colin come back for the second round, either (coarse), with the film Equalizer 2 The Beat It wins $ 35.8 million at the box office during the opening weekend

  The Greatest Showman will fight at the box office

The Greatest Showman will fight at the box -office.

Excuse me?

Equalizer 2 . With an IMDB score of 7.2 out of 10, the Denzel Washington R16 action movie that sees people sliced, diced and exploded all over the show actually beats the starry song and the extravagant dance we're waiting for For years.

Can you say that I am bitter?

Fortunately, here in New Zealand, we love musicals, even though our American friends do not. But that does not stop there. We really love, deeply, madly, ABBA.

  Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgard and Pierce Brosnan all come back for the second installment.

Jonathan Prime

Colin Firth, Stellan Skarsgard and Pierce Brosnan all come back for the second installment

It's not good news that Swedes are doing good pop music (I'm watching you, Robyn ), but none of ABBA's successors have remained true to pop culture in the same way Agnetha, Björn, Benny and Anni -Frid have.

I worked at The Warehouse for about five years. Meanwhile, ABBA Gold came and went from the Top 20 albums, but he never really left. Not in the same way as an album of Selena Gomez or Miley Cyrus

At this moment, 45 years after the band's debut, the musics of Mamma Mia and the two releases of ABBA Gold

In 2007, a year when CDs were yet to begin their demise, The best of ABBA had been certified platinum 24 times, making it the # 39, one of the best – Sell physical albums in the history of New Zealand. The only act to have two records in the top 20 of the list, ABBA Gold was not far behind.

  The choreographed dance also returns to the second round

Universal Pictures

The choreographed dance also makes a comeback in the second round.

Burlesque, Moulin Rouge, The Biggest Showman, Hairspray, Les Misérables, Moana, and the trilogy High School Musical all left a lasting impression on me, but not more that films of Mamma Mia and I doubt that I am alone.

For you, it could be music. For your neighbor, it may be the endless stellar power. For me, that's the way a plausible scenario has been sort of cut out in a reasonably small discography of ABBA. An active group for just 10 years, the number of different stories that these eight albums can tell is mind-boggling.

The probability of us lobbying successfully for a third installment seems long, but that's fine. We had our sequel, the case closed.

Now, when all is said and done, it seems like it's time to start dreaming of a film adaptation of something new.

I think Hamilton: An American Musical, and you?

– References

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