Post New Internet Album "Hive Mind"


After a three-year hiatus after their Grammy-nominated album Ego Death The Internet finally reunited for their fourth album Hive Mind. During their break, Steve Lacy worked on projects such as Kendrick Lamar's DAMN . and J. Cole 4 Your Eyez Only and all other members released their own solo albums (19459003) Matt Martians The Drum Chord Theory Christopher Smith Loud and Patrick Paige Letters of Irrelevance ).

Gathered, Matt Martians of the group explained the title of their new project in an interview with Sway In Morning: "You know, when people are together, they have a collective state of mind. And I think that when we are together, we all have a common goal, and we're going in the same direction. "Added Lacy:" I think it's just sharpened .. If Ego Death was a pencil … I would say this pencil is really sharp. "

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly Syd explains that the album was made" as naturally as possible ", which is easy to hear in the three singles "Roll (Burbank Funk)," Come Over "and" The Di Da "

Listen to the album below

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