Prince Philip's Health: When did Prince Philip join the Queen at the Royal Event? | Royal | New


During his career as King Consort, Prince Philip had 22,219 solitary engagements, gave 5,496 speeches and wrote 14 books, making him the most busy member of the royal family at his apogee.

When he retired on August 2, 2017, he joked that he was "the most experienced of the plate connoisseurs in the world."

It's that sense of the & # 39; Disapproving humor and his keen mind that the Prince has become so famous for.

The Duke now spends much of his time in Sandringham, Norfolk, in a cottage on the royal estate.

When was the last time that Prince Philip joined the Queen at a royal event?

The last time Philip came out on June 24, when he joined the Queen for the Royal Windsor Cup polo patch in Egham.

Before that, he joined the queen for the royal wedding on May 19.

He accompanied his wife watching their grandson, Prince Harry, marry the American actress Meghan Markle.

He looked frail but shredded when he arrived at St. George's wedding, smiling at the crowds gathering to wave to the family.

At that time, he was recovering from a hip prosthesis, but seemed to be able to walk unassisted behind the queen as they entered the chapel.

The Queen, on the other hand, was very active, attending the Royal Ascot, the Trooping of the Color, and meeting with US President Donald Trump, among many other commitments.

However, neither the Queen nor Philip attended the baptism of their third great-grandson, Prince Louis, on July 9th.

This surprising decision raised fears for the health of the royal couple, but Buckingham Palace said the decision was made. some time ago "and not for health reasons.

It is said that the queen misses her husband terribly when she has to go to work.

He spends his time reading and painting and he is surely happy to live a quiet life after so much time in the public eye.

A senior courtier said, "The Queen believes that the Duke has earned a proper retirement.

"She knows him too well – if he was still at the center of the royal life, he would feel involved."

The couple will celebrate their 71st wedding anniversary this year.

In a moving tribute to her husband on the occasion of his 50th birthday in 1997, the Queen said, "Too often, I fear, Prince Philip must have heard me speak.

"Frequently, we discussed in advance of my speech and, as you imagine, his opinions were expressed in a frank manner. 19659011 "" He is someone who does not easily take compliments but he has simply, been my strength and stay all these years, and me, and all his family, and this and many other countries. he owes him a debt greater than he would ever claim, or we will ever know it. "

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