Rodriguez announces the Australian tour 2019 with Sarah Blasko


News Written by Emmy Mack on July 27, 2018

Rodriguez, one of the most enigmatic and interesting artists of recent memory, has announced his return to Australia for a series of performances at Beginning of 2019.

Not only will Sugarman embark on a major national tour, meeting six times in Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Darwin, Hobart, and Perth with the support of Sarah Blasko (except in Darwin, where she is a collaborator). AB Original and another Sietta, Caiti Baker, half of the electro-soul duet, is going to warm up the stage), he's also leading three special events for A Day On The Green in the QLD Vineyards, VIC and SA. Rudd, Busby Marou, Pierce Brothers and Alice Skye

"The Australian public holds a very special place in my heart, so I can not wait to come back in 2019," he said in a statement

. The visit marks the first trip of Rodriguez to possess under under 2016.

Catch all the details below.

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