Survivor NZ recap: the game turns around as the strongest player was eliminated



The Survivor episode of this week returned the game again.

REVIEW: In Survivor it seems that there is only one place worse than the bottom of the pile: the top of the pile [19659006] On Sunday night, perhaps the most important tribal council to date, we saw a player who influenced the game more than anyone else.

The elimination of Matt was on the cards since a video of his family gave Lisa the epiphany that she had to get rid of Dave

  Dave won the Individual immunity for the first time.

Luke Brindle / Provided

Dave gained individual immunity for the first time.

But in one way or another it never seemed to happen. Matt seemed so comfortable to be the boss, dictating the plays. He had an idol. He had a secret friendship from outside the game. When Eve, rather than her old friend Dave, was eliminated last week, it was hard to see how Lisa would ever receive the numbers her plan needed.

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In the end, however, it was Dave whose vote was crucial in voting it. Poor old Dave. He cried a lot on Sunday night. I think it's fair to say that it's not made for Survivor ; the guy is too nice. Unlike Lisa and Matt, for example, Dave seems unable to separate his emotions from the game. And the game keeps putting him in positions where he has to betray his buddies – Eve last week, and this week Matt.

It could be said that Dave was really cut off from the Eve vote because early in the Sunday night episode he was wearing his comfortable running pants.

He was soon comforted by the news that the castaways would participate in the first Survivor auction. They each received a bundle of $ 500 Survivor that they could use to bid on food items and possibly a benefit. Chips, beer, pizza, spag bowl, wine, chicken sandwiches and donuts were all on offer. Despite claiming to be voracious, Dave managed to miss all the food, but he scored the benefit – a mysterious piece of paper that he was not allowed to open.

  Our other castaways at the beginning of the episode of Sunday night. Matt would not have this collar of immunity much longer.

Luke Brindle / Provided

Our other castaways at the beginning of the episode of Sunday night. Matt would no longer have this immunity collar any longer.

Back at camp, Lisa told the cameras that she was beginning to consider Dave as a potential ally for bringing Matt out, but was not sure he could trust him. Everyone, of course, was at this point still unaware that Dave and Matt were close friends in high school. Adam, meanwhile, was tired of everyone.

The next day's challenge of immunity required the castaways to stack plates and ceramic cups on some kind of paddle. That's where the advantage that Dave won at auction came into play. He was allowed to leave after the other competitors already have four plates. Tara gave him a run for his money, but in the end this advantage proved crucial; Dave won immunity for the first time.

  The sandwiches and chicken pieces that Lisa won at the auction were the envy of her playmates.

Luke Brindle / FOURNI

Back at the camp, Lisa decided to play it. She took Dave aside and tried to get her help by rejecting Matt, telling him about the hidden immunity idol that she and Matt had found together. It was enough for Dave to start questioning his alliance with Matt – after all, he had told Matt, and only Matt, about his own idol of immunity. Did the fact that Matt did not reciprocate meant that he was not thinking of taking Dave to the last three? Earlier in the episode, he had told Lisa that he wanted a last three of himself, her and Adam, although he could just say that to scramble how much he and Dave were.

Lisa had planted the seeds of doubt, and these seeds sprouted when Dave, in distress, confronted Matt and despite extremely heavy hints, he failed to convince him to talk about the l & # 39; idol without asking him. In doing so, however, he gave the game thoroughly, even going so far as to warn Matt to play his idol at the tribal council that night when he felt threatened.

This conversation really gave the impression that Lisa's plan was doomed to failure. failure. Matt must surely be wondering why she had talked to Dave about idol, and said that he was in danger

  The last object of the auction was a cake that the shipwrecked had to share - but they only had 60 seconds to eat it.

Luke Brindle / SUPPLY

The last auction item was a cake that the shipwrecked had to share – but they only had 60 seconds to eat it

This is the last item in the auction was a cake that the shipwrecked had to share – but they only had 60 seconds to eat it

C & # 39; probably an indication of the depth of his trust with Lisa and Dave. that he did not use his idol of immunity to the tribal council, and was subsequently dismissed. In a season of huge blinds, Matt 's elimination was probably the biggest yet.

Mastery of Survivor Matt's play was shown when he convinced Adam to evade his best friend in the game, Tess. Ironically, this betrayal did not matter since Tess survived the board

  The challenge of immunity saw competitors balance the plates on a paddle.

Luke Brindle / SUPPLIED

The Immune Challenge saw the competitors balance the plates on a paddle

On coming out, Matt made sense for everyone still in the game, this shows that the title Survivor does not necessarily go to the strongest players. People reject threats. It could be said that this is a flaw in the formula of Survivor that really plays the game is not really the way to win. It would be a shame if we ended up with a final trio that had not really made big moves, but that seems very possible.

Matt's departure also marks the end of the secret alliance of comrades, which is probably a good thing for the game itself; at least in future episodes, we will know that competitors are on an equal footing.

  Tara gave Dave a run for his money, but the advantage that he had won at auction saw him go through.

Luke Brindle / FOURNI

Tara gave Dave a run for his money, but the benefit that he had won at an auction helped him to take the plunge

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