The crew below Med Med may need to read these Romance Workplace tips to avoid murky waters


Here's how to keep things smooth even if you're on a metaphorical love boat.

Below Deck Mediterranean Chef Stew Hannah Ferrier did not mince her words: "The dating of yachts normally ends with a Titanic style." But n & rsquo; Is not necessarily a sinking ship – could not it also become a love story for the ages?

ICYMI (but we do not know how you could), the nascent relationship of Hannah and Conrad was the most public on the boat, with the quarter-quarter flirting, laughing and touching during work hours (much to grief) from Captain Sandy), and a very Brooke Laughton professes his love for Adam Glick and mourns romantic quotes for a big Gatsby-themed party at João Franco. (maybe) put on two colleagues

While the obstacles on board may be a bit more extreme than in your typical office, the same truths apply if you navigate the love at sea or on the land. We have consulted with best-selling author Susan Winter, New York relations specialist, on the common problems encountered during workplace meetings, and we have received advice that even someone who has the eyes glued to a photocopier may use

not be living closely with all your colleagues and customers while being tossed in the ocean, but here's what to do when you're stuck on board a ship of literal or metaphorical love : [19659007] No PDA in the "office".

According to Winter, public office kisses – or boating – have spread in the "do not do" section of the traditional workplace dating etiquette. Winter warns that caution and restraint are the key to entering into alliance with a colleague, especially when it comes to PDAs.

"Following the protocol in the workplace is important, especially when you are in a relationship with a colleague.Here is where you need to consciously monitor your PDA to make sure that everything the world feels comfortable around you.Too obvious affection towards your partner erodes your professional behavior.This makes you look juvenile and ineffective.Remember that you are professionals and that all your personal actions are seen by those around you.Being respectful of other colleagues extends to when you are traveling together as well (even when this environment is a lot more laid back). "

Shy away from TMI.

PDA is not the only three-letter abbreviation that can stumble new couples navigating the workplace, as is TMI. Winter explains that the less you tell everyone the ups and downs of your relationship, the better. People tend to dig for dirt and savor the juicy gossip. Do not let your relationship feed on their boredom.

"Once we become romantic with a colleague, it is tempting to share small pieces of their lives with our friends in the workspace.A slip of the tongue can reveal something personal about your lover who ends up working against you, and your romance Keeping the privacy of your "private" partner is vitally important in the workplace Remember, you have access to intimate information and only available to This makes you both special and dangerous.You are considered special to have such information, but dangerous because of this knowledge. "

In addition, TMI can simply make your colleagues hurt at ease. Winter adds, "Now that your coworkers know the details of your partner, what are they supposed to do with that information? Imagine that they do not know? Deny the fact that they do it? Some violent personal information. the edge of ethical concerns.Now your colleague was put in a dilemma because you were not careful. "

Be honest with your feelings, if you are asked.

What if you find yourself in a love triangle like Brooke, João and Kasey? "Love triangles are a mess, whether in or out of the office," says Winter. "This means that one person is undecided and puts two other people on hold while they decide . This type of behavior is selfish, cruel and creates a useless drama for everyone .

Although this may seem very hard on João, he seems to be putting the two ladies on hold to decide which colleague to pursue completely, creating a rather stormy atmosphere for everyone caught up in their wake. The winter continues, "my advice is to stay away from the instigator of this type of drama." Dating games like these are selfish and have nothing to do with the possibility of 39, get into a real relationship.

Make it your mission to create time to be alone with others.

Plan your time together away from your colleagues will compensate for the restrictions that you need to put on your physical expression day in and day out at work. "A romantic trip, a weekend, or even a stolen afternoon where you can be unrestrained lovers again, that's what will keep your relationship at work", advises Winter.

There is hope for our love team, people make romances work at all times.Winter says to develop a game plan with your companion in advance "You will both have to commit to discretion and confidentiality. You will also need to check with each other before making unilateral decisions. These precautions will smooth the waters with your colleagues, making your romance easier. "

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