REVIEW: Na na na na na na na naa naa
This is the noise that must haunt six seasons of competitors.
The sound that plays again and again for those who left with just the change of currency, and the air proudly used as a ringtone for those who cashed in the big time, before the housing market d & rsquo; Auckland dipped, or exploded or boiled, or anything done (look, I'm an entertainment journalist, not a business!)
Now, four other wannabe property magnates will have those 10 painfully familiar syllables resonating in their ears for the rest of the time – with the rest of us wandering in the vortex chair interior design criticism that is The NZ Block .
Welcome to season seven, New Zealand.
* The NZ Block: Why the new teams are thin king location, location, location
* Three accidentally reveals the dates of 2018 Block NZ
* Three's The Block meets the neighbors "who paid a lot of money to be here"
Much like this catchy theme song, everything is very familiar this year. Mark Richardson is back, less outrageous and cranky than he appears in his other job (maybe he's not a morning person …). he already considered that?)
There are still four teams of competitors. A blue, a purple, a yellow and an orange. It is too early for the names, so it is so that we will call them until at least the fourth week of this three-month "trip".
Then there are the rules that after all this time, Bloc
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Does Mark Richardson try to use hammers like cricket strains?
Incomplete plans, tight budgets, foolish challenges, clumsy product placements cluttered every five minutes, a tense auction night, and they take home all the profits that they realize , the largest gain reaching $ 100,000.
In fact, it seems that the only real change is the location – but then it would be a little strange that they come and redecorate the same homes year after year …
This season, the team's take on the lights of Hobsonville Point.
For those who do not come from Auckland (how's the homeowner's life going? Tell us everything!) HP is northwest in the middle of almost nowhere – or if you listen to Mark, at 20 minutes drive to Auckland center (in the middle of the night, maybe). But there is a lot of land, and a nice farmer's market on the weekends.
As we are told very early, the houses are "massive": three bedrooms, two bathrooms and – oh my God, a covered patio! Luxury has never seemed so … .Kiwi.
The reality is, these are townhouses, so there is not going to be the big backyards of the old. New Zealand is modern life.
There is a budget of $ 120,000 (plus sponsorship vouchers) per house, but unlike other seasons, teams receive only half of their pocket money.
Warner Bros. clearly had enough of those recruits who blow up the budget of their first guest room the first week, and not cash the day of the auction.
THREE [19659012] You must be fast here.