The scene of story rape of waitress Joseph Fiennes refused to do


HULU / YouTube

All that is silenced claims to be heard in the trailer of the feminist series.

The star of The Handmaid's Tale Joseph Fiennes, refused to shoot a rape scene for the second season of the show, because "it did not follow " for him.

The hit series, based on Margaret Atwood's novel of the same name, portrays a future dystopia where women are treated as property, and rape for the purpose of procreation is legal.

According to Entertainment Weekly the scene involves the character of Fiennes, Commander Fred Waterford who rapes his wife Serena (Yvonne Strahovski), who had already helped to overthrow the US government and install a fundamentalist Christian state in

  Joseph Fiennes in the role of Commander Fred Woodford in The Handmaid's Tale.


Joseph Fiennes in the role of Commander Fred Woodford in The Handmaid's Tale.

"It did not follow me, I had to apologize and refuse to do it because I felt that even though Fred is what he is, he is human ", said Fiennes

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* Michael Jackson TV show after the din on the white actor Joseph Fiennes
* Urban Myths trailer shows the British actor Joseph Fiennes as Michael Jackson
* Joseph Fiennes is as shocked as you to play Michael Jackson, but defends the choice
* The white actor Joseph Fiennes under fire having been portrayed as an African-American icon

He explains having felt the character of Serena, had changed his mind about the diet during of the season, had been so "beautifully" portrayed, she "did not need a heavy scene to push her souda on the edge "

He said that it's d shared a series of "long emails and defend and push" with the show's producers to bring down the ped scene, and they finally gave in.

  Fiennes plays one of the instrumental men in the installation of the religious regime of Galaad, where rape is the ...


Fiennes plays one of the instrumental men in the installation of Gilead's religious regime, where rape is legal for the purpose of procreation.

Fred Woodford commits numerous other acts of rape during the show, forcing himself repeatedly on the main character of Offred / June (Elizabeth Moss) in a ritual mandated by the state to give a child to his wife.

In 2016, Fiennes was attacked after being performed as Michael Jackson for a series exploring urban myths. The episode focused on the story of an impromptu road trip that would have been taken by Jackson, Marlon Brando and Elizabeth Taylor.

At the time, Fiennes defended the cast as a "light comedy" that was "in no way malicious". 19659022] Fiennes says that he's beaten so that the scenes are cut off because "it did not track". "Title =" "src =" /content/dam/images/1/9/f/z/e/7/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.620×349.1qzmo3.png/1532657054839.jpg "class =" photoborder "/>


Fiennes says he's beaten so that the scenes are cut because "it was not stalking".

"I am a white middle class London man, I am as shocked as you could be," he said of the cast

. the episode after the daughter of Jackson Paris spoke about it.

The Fairy Tale is available for streaming on Lightbox.


Season 2 of The Handmaid's Tale returned to the NZ screens on Lightbox in April.

Where to get help
Crisis of rape – 0800 88 33 00 (24 hour service), click on the link to get information on local help lines
Assistance to victims – 0800 842 846 (24 hour service)
and information for victims of sexual abuse
Refuge for women (women only) – line of hearing available at 0800 733 843
Male survivors of sexual abuse (males only), Helplines across NZ, click to learn more [19659005] If you are at risk or undergoing sexual violence, call 111.


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