The star of 'Southern Charm & # 39; Patricia Altschul admits that she is now "inspired". by Kathryn Dennis (Exclusive)


Patricia Altschul is ready to take Kathryn Dennis under her wing (high society).

"I think she has a lot to offer," Patricia says to ET of her co-star Southern Charm a Patricia woman wanted almost nothing to do for five years. Things started to change, however, when Patricia invited Kathryn to attend a winter-themed ball, as seen in the season 5 finale.

"I'm not sure. had had no contact with Kathryn for five years, it had to do with her behavior in the past, "notes Patricia. "Volatile, screaming, screaming, pointing fingers at people."

Now, Patricia turns off Kathryn's behavior as "drug-induced." The 25-year-old has made public her addiction to drugs and alcohol in 2016. "She went to rehab, she regained health, she passed all screening tests" Patricia continues. "She was like a different person, and I think it's just a big redemption story.It inspired me, I was really very impressed."

Patricia says her Kathryn's change of heart did not happen "overnight", but she began to watch the young mother of two after her rehab. 19659002] "I was waiting to see if it took me," she says. "And [my son, Whitney Sudler-Smith] was telling me, you know, all along the way she was a changed person, he loved her tremendously." Shep [Rose] was very positive about it. I watched what happened on the show.I also saw this evolution in the show. "

Patricia and Kathryn had an unexpected conversation at this last ball, seated and chatting almost like old friends.While only a few minutes were aired during the episode, Patricia says that the exchange lasted for more than 20 minutes

"I was very impressed by the conversation we had at the finale, the ball, "she shares." [We] talked about all kinds of things … [She’s] a friendly person, besides being smart, sensitive. She has a great sense of humor, which I do not think we have ever seen before, but you have to be smart and sober to have a great sense of humor. "

If the show were to be resumed for a sixth season, Patricia says it's" entirely possible "that viewers will have the opportunity to see Kathryn, a young woman of seventy- seven, looking for a sophisticated Southern company. "I think she has a lot to offer. "Patricia says." I was impressed by her. I think she's smart. "

Another factor that influenced Patricia's way of looking at Kathryn was her own evolutionary relationship with Thomas Ravenel, the ex-Kathryn and the father of her children." Patricia says she realized that Thomas was perhaps not "the most credible source of information."

"All the information I've had about Kathryn, in the past, comes from Thomas," notes Patricia: When Thomas's new girlfriend, Ashley Jacobs, came on the scene, Patricia started learning about Kathryn, which made Patricia think twice: Ashley and Kathryn had several eruptions during the season five, with Ashley repeatedly attacking Kathryn's parenting

"The first time I met Ashley, she spent the night talking about Kathryn, Kathryn's mother how fast does she speak? she? Patricia recalls. "It was like an hour and a half ago, so I actually learned more about Kathryn Ashley than I ever spoke to her."

Today Patricia says that she "does not know anyone about the distribution that follows her."

"As you know, there are several outstanding allegations," said Patricia Heeds, referring to a series charges of sexual misconduct against Thomas, that he denied.

"Just that alone, plus the way he allowed Ashley to treat Kathryn, more or less turned everyone, I would say, if not against him, away from him," she adds.

As Patricia and Thomas emerge from season five, Ashley will be in the second half. The first part of Southern Charm airs Thursday at 21h. AND on Bravo. To learn more about the show, check out the video and links below.


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