The wife of famous chef Pete Evans, Nicola Robinson, ready for children


The wife of celebrity chef Pete Evans said that she was ready to have children with her famous chef husband after having corrected what she called the greatest regret of her life. And she wants to prevent other women from making the same mistake.

Appearing on Channel 7's Sunday Night program, Nicola Robinson said her decision to have breast implants was a choice motivated by fear and a way to feel better.

But after years as a model and working on the podium, Mrs. Robinson decided to have her "two toxic silicone implants" removed. Now, she hopes her story and her inversion surgery will encourage other women to do the same.

  The famous chef Pete Evans and Nicola Robinson. Photo / Instagram
The famous chef Pete Evans and Nicola Robinson. Photo / Instagram

"I did not like their appearance," she told Alex Cullen. "I did not like what they felt, I was so ashamed of myself, and it's really an emotion so useless to feel, because it keeps you in the mood." you can not take advantage of the present moment. "

Ms. Robinson spoke of breast implant disease, a disease that has not yet been officially recognized by the Australian Medical Association. Nevertheless, she – and others who have had implants – firmly believe that the implants are badly damaged

[traduction] For Ms. Robinson, this remains despite the fact that her implants remained intact when she was in pain. they were in his body

. but my surgeon agreed to have the silicone tested on the scar tissue that he had removed and, of course, it was riddled, which proved that even if the implants had not broken, the silicone was still strapping, "she told the program

" I knew 100 percent that they were making me sick and getting older, so it seemed logical to me that they had to go.

Evans stood by his wife's decision: "They are causing major problems for her body and other women's bodies.

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An article shared by Nic (@nicolarobinsonevans) on [17 février 2017] at 17:10 PST

Evans and Robinson, who met in Adelaide in 2011, are prominent advocates of the paleo lifestyle that does not involve any consumption of cereals, dairy products or legumes.

But the pair claims that its silicone implants made the patient 40 years old, Evans telling the program that his wife was experiencing "major problems" with her In 1965, the old model was talking about the same program about the reasons for which she wanted the implants removed.

"I was not living a natural life," Robinson told Channel 7's Sunday Night program. "You know, I had fun in the fills, Botox, all kinds of things motivated by my fear … to try to feel better. "

Following the interview, Ms. Robinson took Instagram and revealed that she would "Finally, she was released from two bulky implants that I had naively stitched into my chest when I was looking for my acceptance in all the wrong places. "

Those who believe that breast implants can cause illnesses say they have suffered from chronic fatigue., sinus infections, dry skin, headaches, intolerances sudden food, allergies, fevers, vision loss and even dizziness – some women who claim to be victims of the disease say that it can be debilitating.

Mel Ward, 37, was seen in train to remove his broken implants

"I never had breasts growing up, and I found myself in situations where I compared myself to other women. Make me feel as if I had a sensation But the implants did not make her happy, which is one of the reasons they had to leave.

million. Cullen visited Mrs. Ward only hours after her operation. She told the reporter that she immediately felt different.

"I do not have brain fog. It's literally gone. I feel clear in my head. "

Earlier this year, 26-year-old Emma Novotny told that she removed her breast implants after developing food intolerances, migraines, sinus infections, sweats Nocturnal and Monthly Seizures of

"I went to see a local GP and I was also diagnosed with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) about four months after my [breast] surgery," she said.

"I did not have any menstrual system, I had eczema and swollen lymph nodes."

"My body was in the process of becoming pregnant. attack, I had eczema everywhere, there were abnormal mercury levels in my body, there were days when I could not get out of bed I had a deeper depression because all these things were happening around me and I could not participate.

"I became somebody that I did not recognize, and I tried to kill myself because of it. From the outside, I probably looked good, but I felt like I was going crazy.

In an interview with Perth Now, model Ricci Jess explained how her breast augmentation led to a decade of illness. and the pain caused by the implants.

Since their abduction, Ms. Jess says that she is now free of medication and pain.

"It's not about surgeons but implants. Mrs. Jess told PerthNow

"For 14 years, my body tried to fight off toxins but once the silicone accumulated too much, my body eventually gave up and I ended up"

Ms. Jess and Ms. Novotny Join a Global Movement to Prevent Women from Implant Dangers

"Women must absolutely learn about all the risks before considering a news release., the president of the Australian College of Cosmetic Surgery, Dr. Ron Bezic, said that there was no evidence that the symptoms experienced by these women are related to breast implants.

" Long-term studies have shown that symptoms such as chronic fatigue, eczema, migraines, food intolerances, depression and allergies are no more likely in people with breast implants than those without implants "said Dr. B ezic., established that women with such symptoms that have breast implants, and have them removed, are not more likely to get better than those who retain their implants. "Because these symptoms are unfortunately very common and because many more women now have breast implants, there will inevitably be more women with implants that have the symptoms but that does not mean that implants are the cause." scientific proof. All patients with these symptoms are vulnerable and must ensure that the information given to them is based on appropriate evidence so that they are not misled by people with ulterior motives, financial or others. "

" ACCS Fellows must attend up to 12 years of medical and specialized training in cosmetic surgery, which makes them best equipped in their field to perform this type of procedures, "at -he says.

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