Thespian's "mad mash up" theatrical stage does not hold Shakespeare's bard performance


  No Holds Bards is a mix of four plays by Shakespeare, Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello and King Lear.

Robert Catto

No Holds Bards is a mix of four plays by Shakespeare, Macbeth, Hamlet, Othello and King Lear.

Michael Hurst wants to play his socks right in front of you, so close you can see the demons in his eyes.

"One of the things that interest me, it's the theater experience, I'm very excited." It's really special, you can not download this experience, it's happening right in front of you. And it is electric, I have spent a large part of my life doing it. "

His Show No Holds Bards touring the country with Arts On Tour NZ, visiting small halls to the North and South

" I'm interested in the moment. to act closely, "he says.

" Simple, down-to-earth, honest to God acting technical theater. Literally I arrive, get everything out of my car, in this case my van, install it in 20 minutes.

"There are really only two light signals, on and off."

Hurst, who acts and directs, is known internationally for playing Iolaus in the television show Hercules .

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