Todd's brother Carrie Fisher approved her role in "Star Wars Episode IX" with a thoughtful statement


Huge news for fans of Star Wars broke out this weekend, when JJ Abrams announced the details of Episode IX on the official website of the franchise. Abrams' decision to bring back General Leia Organa for the next film was among the many blog posts. Fortunately, Carrie Fisher's brother, Todd Fisher, endorsed his role in Star Wars Episode IX and issued a statement confirming that Variety and Deadline on Saturday, July 28.

His message works in harmony with that of Abrams' Friday press release, which explained the director's intentions of using unpublished images of The Force Awakens (which he also directed) in the next film. Todd's statement to Variety and Deadline proves that Carrie's family trusts Abrams, now that the actor's brother and daughter, Billie Heavy, have endorsed the decision.

"As our family, as well as our extended family of fans around the world believe, Carrie's Princess Leia is still rooted in the franchise," Todd's message began, "His indelible presence is fundamental to the film. "

Per Variety continues his statement:

" JJ Abrams understood Carrie's iconic role, and he masterfully reworked this last entry to include this latest Carrie video ever used, without having resort to CGI or animatronics, our family and fans will look forward to this event! "

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This complements the Abrams statement on the # 39; Star Official Wars website. When the casting announcements were made on July 27, Abrams discussed at length his plan to bring back Billy Dee Williams and Mark Hamill for the next film Star Wars

His decision to incorporate fire Carrie Fisher could have been criticized, which is why he opened the message with an explanation. "We have desperately loved Carrie Fisher." Finding a truly satisfying conclusion to the Skywalker saga without her escaping us, "began the Abrams statement on the Web site Star Wars :

" We would never overhaul or use a CG character.With the support and blessing of his daughter, Billie, we found a way to honor Carrie's legacy and her role as Leia in Episode IX using unpublished images that we filmed together in Episode VII. "

Of course, the family of Carrie the most significant points: The fact that General Leia Organa is essential to the universe of Star Wars and that a computer-generated version of the actor does not render a service to Carrie's work. It's a decision that works for everyone, hopefully – I hope – the fans will agree with that. After all, the images of Leia already exist, and it was directed by the same person (Abrams) who takes over Episode IX .

Ethan Miller / Getty Images Entertainment / Getty Images

Considering the Disney / Star Wars budget and the considerable experience of Abrams, it is likely that the film will be able to go out seamlessly. This is also a much better option than a fake version of the actor, or using a dialogue that is cut and pasted from his work in The Awakens Force . This may seem bold, but according to the family of Carrie Fisher and the director of Star Wars Episode IX it is necessary to preserve the integrity of the film. If the plan is good enough for them, it should be enough to work for everyone.

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