What to do if you have breast cancer


Eight years ago, I did not know it. I thought I knew the basics – I organized an annual women's review and promoted breast cancer awareness whenever the opportunity arose; but without a family history of the disease, I never thought I would need to know more. My journey with breast cancer began rather unexpectedly in September 2011, when I visited Dr. William Schoolcraft, fertility specialist and founder of the Center for Reproductive Medicine of Colorado (CCRM), to begin a cycle. In vitro fertilization (IVF) for my husband, Bill and I start our journey of becoming parents. Before starting my fertility treatments, Dr. Schoolcraft commissioned a mammogram, a test that CCRM asks each patient to make sure their patient is healthy before taking an ant treatment – something that not done the previous fertility clinics. What was originally supposed to be the most exciting time of our lives soon became much more scary than your usual family nerves. The test, to everyone's surprise, detected a tumor at the early stage. To this day, I think, What if I did not seek treatment with CCRM? If the test had not been done, who knows how my trip might have changed?
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