Nicole Gibbs, tennis star, tells how a dentist discovered a rare form of cancer in his mouth


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/ Source: TODAY & # 39; HUI

By Eun Kyung Kim

Nicole Gibbs plans to attack her cancer with the same tenacity she brings to every tennis match.

The 26-year-old American tennis star announced earlier this week that she had withdrawn from the French Open to get surgery for salivary gland cancer.

The discovery stems from a regular appointment last month with his dentist, who asked him about growth on the roof of his mouth. Gibbs said that she was used to the hump that had existed for years.

"I was really lucky that my dentist, Dr. Kevin Lee, was able to correctly identify it as something that should not be there, and he encouraged me to undergo a biopsy and this is positive income for a form of cancer "she said today Natalie Morales.

"The first days we were still trying to understand what it was."

Salivary gland cancer accounts for less than 1% of all cancers diagnosed in the United States, according to the American Cancer Society. Gibbs said his story should serve as a warning to ask for medical and dental care regularly, and ask questions about anything unusual.

"I think it's a good reminder of self-representation.I think we tend to know if there is something wrong or wrong," he said. she said.

The 26-year-old Stanford University graduate announced her diagnosis earlier this week, before her surgery on Friday.


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