NIH Director: Vaccines should never be political


Collins stopped before approving mandatory vaccination, but made it clear that he believed public authorities should push for unvaccinated Americans to get vaccinated.

“We must use all possible public health tools when people die,” he told Stephanopoulos. “The death rates are starting again. You’ve just gone through the numbers on how many new cases we’re seeing. We’re in a very steep acceleration of that curve. We have to think about all the possible interventions.”

Holding a mask, Collins said Americans need to think about saving lives first, especially with schools reopening.

“I would ask that they think about masks the way they should be. This is not a political statement or an infringement on your freedoms. It is a life-saving medical device. Asking children to wear a mask is uncomfortable, but, you know, kids are tough enough, ”he said.

Collins also spoke directly to vaccine skeptics: “If you’re on the fence, get out of the fence. … Roll up your sleeve.”


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