Nike uses AR to help you find the right fit for your sneakers


Of course, once you have used the RA tools to measure your feet, this information will be saved in your Nike profile, which will save you from doing it every time you try to buy a shoe. And if you go to a store, associates will know which sizes are best for different models by simply scanning a QR code from the Nike app. As a person who wears different sizes in Air Max and Epic Reacts, because these tend to be narrower and smaller, Nike Fit has suggested that my correct fit was between 10 and 11 for all of its products – time I Buy a pair.

Nike believes this should also make it easier for parents, who can simply measure their children's feet at home, thus avoiding going to the store and allowing them to easily place orders online. And parents can use Nike Fit every two or three months, as their children's feet grow. If you visit a Nike store, your associates will have their own Nike Fit experience, which will allow them to use their smartphone instead of the traditional Brannock device to get your exact size. Once they have that and your Nike profile, they can scan any shoebox and the system will tell them which size is best for each model.

You will be able to try Nike Fit for yourself in July, by the time the company should deploy these features on its app. At launch, it will only be available in the United States, but Nike has announced plans to import it to Europe later this summer.


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