Nintendo is experimenting with ways to make the inconvenience of the switch even more fragile


Nintendo does not let the recent problems with defective Joy-Con controllers prevent it from exploring new ways to innovate its gaming equipment. A recent patent filing with the USPTO reveals the design of a Joy-Con Switch controller flexible, supposed to improve its ergonomics and usability.

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Joy-Con & # 39; Drift & # 39; it's so badly behaved that Nintendo is now the subject of a class action

Even if you have not encountered this problem yourself, you have certainly heard of a switch …

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The update of Joy-Cons is almost identical to the versions available for the original switch template and can still be removed and detached if necessary. But the top of each side (with an analog stick to the left of the Joy-Con and a set of four right-hand action buttons) can be folded down so that the tiny controllers feel better in the hand and improve finger access to the lower trigger buttons on each.

In addition to improved ergonomics, the updated design does not make any functional changes in the way the Joy-Cons is used, but it would require significant changes in the electronics of each controller. It is probably for this reason that Nintendo has not yet implemented these changes, although it initially filed a patent for this design in Japan at the end of February 2018. But since the company also filed it to the States. United States, it is possible that this update could actually materialize. Could he possibly make his way on the rumored Switch Pro?

I'll be the first to admit that my giant hands do not play really well with the Switch-Joy's Cons while they're unmounted from the console. I can not say for sure if bending each controller would improve that, but as a proponent of simpler designs in electronics, I'm not sure I want to try them. We have already seen flexible electronic components make an extremely difficult start, and part of the design of these so-called so-called enhancements includes a flexible printed circuit, contained in the controller's housing. After the widespread Joy-Con drift problem, which eventually resulted in legal action against Nintendo, it is understandable to worry about unforeseen problems that could arise when Joy-Cons can be folded in half.


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