No charges filed after Hellgate HS lockdown


MISSOULA – No charges have been filed in connection with Thursday afternoon confinement at Hellgate High School.

Missoula Police Department Public Information Officer Lydia Arnold said three minors involved – and their parents – have provided statements and at this point no charges have been laid against the youths.

The minors were handed over to their parents after making statements on Thursday. The incident involved a report of a gun on campus.

Locking the Hellgate HS

MTN News

Students return to class following a lockdown at Hellgate High School on September 2, 2021.

Arnold says MPD and Hellgate High School “received a very credible report of a threat to the school involving a gun.” However, detectives determined that a gun was not directly involved in the incident and only the threat of a gun was.

“A threat of violence towards a school has a widespread impact. The prompt and professional response from Principal Miller, faculty and staff, and all law enforcement involved, helped resolve a critical incident at the school, ”Arnold noted.


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