No new deaths from El Paso virus, but active cases and hospitalizations increase



EL PASO, Texas – El Paso health officials on Saturday reported 421 other known Covid-19 infections, but no new deaths.

It marked a significant change from the day before, when officials reported half a dozen more deaths to start the year.

Active cases increased to 34,563, but the death toll remained at 1,473.

There were still 544 deaths listed as under investigation on Saturday. These are presumed deaths linked to Covid-19 that have not yet been confirmed, although historically the majority of suspicious deaths end up being confirmed by health authorities.

As of Saturday morning, 390 patients infected with the virus were hospitalized in El Paso, which marked a slight increase after several days of decline. Of these, 138 were listed in intensive care, 111 requiring the use of ventilators.

The cumulative virus cases during the pandemic totaled 99,327, with officials saying 62,715 El Pasoans have recovered. However, doctors warn that some recovered people may still experience long-term health effects after being affected.

El Paso Health Department’s full data on Covid-19 can be found online at

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