No, you should not wash your raw chicken before cooking it – BGR


There are a lot of rules about cooking meat and, of all the common meats you could cook, the chicken seems to have the strictest rules. This is understandable because pathogens that can live in raw meat are unpleasant, and those known to favor raw chicken can be particularly formidable.

Apparently, this growing concern about chicken has led some consumers to believe that raw chicken should be washed before cooking. It's unclear exactly what this process is supposed to accomplish (you do not kill any bacteria or other pathogens by letting water run on raw meat), but the debate has reached a point where the Center for Disease Control felt the need to weigh in. Their verdict? Do not wash your chicken.

Along with Twitter's very definitive statement, the CDC refers to its guidelines for handling raw chicken, which doubles the "Do not wash" claim. Other tips include the use of a separate cutting board for raw chicken, ensuring that all surfaces coming into contact with the raw chicken are thoroughly disinfected and always cooking. the chicken has a minimum internal temperature of 165 degrees Fahrenheit. These are all well known rules for handling raw chicken and should not surprise anyone.

Wanting to wash something that could make you sick is quite logical on the surface, but the only thing that will actually make healthy raw meat to eat in the vast majority of circumstances is heat. When you run water on raw chicken, you probably do more harm than good, and any water that springs out of uncooked flesh may spread bacteria and pathogens to areas where you will not notice them. not even.

As the CDC makes clear, the two most important rules to follow are not to handle the chicken and cook it in the oven during cooking. No sink is needed.

Image Source: Heinemann Creativ Studio / imageBROKER / REX / Shutterstock


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