112 people lost their lives: – Caused human error


He reveals the Mexican airline Aerolineas Damojh on Monday. The plane crash where only one person has survived is the worst in Cuba for nearly 30 years. Information from the black boxes of the Boeing 737 reveals that the captain's disappointment was strong and that the plane was stolen.

– The data reveals that the crew took off at a very fast pace, which means that the plane did not fly. The company, founded in 1990, takes full responsibility for the tragic accident, he says.

The plane crashed for almost 40 years and was leased by Aerolineas Damojh, a small charter company, also known as Global Air. The plane and its crew were shortly before the accident of the Cuban national company Cubana de Aviación. In May 2017, the passenger plane was denied access to the airspace over Guyana in South America. The ban was due to the fact that, in violation of safety regulations, the crew of the aircraft had been allowed to leave the plane with luggage during his trips to Cuba [19659002]

. The accident reported to the Mexican authorities that they had temporarily suspended the company

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