12 Russians in the magazine Mueller: – Skeptics to Trump Putin Meeting: – An insult to our democracy


On Friday, an important jury appealed against Russian intelligence agents for interference in the 2016 election in the form of data attacks against Democrats.

The award was designed by researcher Robert Mueller, former director of the FBI. In the 29-page appeal decision, Russian GRU agents are accused of performing extensive cyber operations to steal and publish documents and e-mails. Democratic Democrats before the elections, but according to Deputy Minister Rod Rosenstein, there is no claim that this has changed poll numbers or influenced election results.

President Donald Trump already knows about future allegations for a while. Before joining Europe to participate in the NATO summit in Brussels

However, despite this, Trump still has an attack against Mueller's investigation. As recently as Friday, a few hours before the charges are known, Trump attacked the investigation at a press conference with British Prime Minister Theresa May

– I l '# Call it a witch hunt staged. He will talk to Putin about the electoral interference "data-srcset =" // 9.dbstatic.no/69975911.jpg?imageId=69975911&x=0&y=4.2780748663102&cropw=100&croph=52.406417112299&width=321&height=193&compression=80 640w, //9.dbstatic.no/69975911.jpg?imageId=69975911&x=0&y=4.2780748663102&cropw=100&croph=52.406417112299&width=512&height=308&compression=80 1024w, //9.dbstatic.no/69975911.jpg?imageId=69975911&x=0&y = 4.2780748663102 & cropw = 100 & croph = 52.406417112299 & width = 640 & height = 384 & compression = 70 320w "src =" http://9.dbstatic.no/69975911.jpg?imageId=69975911&x=0&y=4.2780748663102&cropw=100&croph=52.406417112299&width=512&height=308&compression = 80 "/>





He also said that he would ask Putin to talk about Russia's interference in the elections, which he has already done on previous occasions. But Trump said that he does not expect Putin to give him another answer this time when they will meet in Helsinki on Monday.

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– I am definitely completely decided to ask the question, and hope we will have a good relationship with Russia, has Trump said.

– Should cancel the meeting of Putin

Monday, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin, according to the plan, meet in Helsinki. But politicians on both sides of US politics are now saying that Trump must cancel the meeting with the Russian leader.

– These revelations are simply an addition to the vast amount of evidence confirming Vladimir Putin's plan to attack 2016- The choice, chaos and dissent among American voters and undermining belief in our democracy, is said in a statement by distinguished Republican Senator John McCain, who is known to be one of Trump's most critical Republican senators. [19659002] – If President Trump does not want to hold Putin in charge, the Helsinki summit should not take place

TRUMP BABY: An orange Donald Trump balloon where the American president cares as a baby with a layer created great debate in England Today, the balloon was flying for two hours, while major events were taking place in the British capital, in connection with the visit of Trump in the city. Video: Nicolai Delebekk
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McCain for the unsurprising support of the Democrats. Senate Party Leader Chuck Schumer Urges Trump to Cancel Meeting with Putin

"Joining Vladimir Putin as a result of these allegations will be an insult to our democracy," Schumer said, according to the Washington Post . ]

Schumer and McCain probably had Trump's comments on Putin when they made their statements. Trump recently said that Putin should be considered his rival, not as an enemy, and that after spending time with Putin, they hoped that they could become friends.

Hack comment Trump

In the 29-page long call decision that was announced Friday, it also comes an interesting thing.

At a press conference on July 26, 2016, Trump arrived with a relatively sensational statement, which he addressed directly to Russia.

– Russia, if You listen, I hope you can find the 30,000 emails that have disappeared, "said Trump, targeting the emails of his opposition candidate to In the presidential election, Hillary Clinton had suppressed her private messaging account as she had used it was state secretary

Trump defended the comment saying that c & # 39; was a joke

– Of course, I was sarcastic, said Trump.

Nevertheless, it turns out that it is that day According to the decision of appeal, the Russians should have made their first attempt to hack Clinton's email server

The appeal decision does not say whether Russian actions were a response to Trump's comments.

Stone admits that Americans communicate with defendants on the Internet but without knowing that they are talking to agents of the dry services rets russes.

– There is no charge in this claim that an American citizen has committed a crime, "said Rosenstein.

The twelve Russians were accused of having entered the data servers of the National Democratic Committee (DNC) and their election campaign, as well as for the election campaign of President Hillary Clinton

. In the months preceding the election,

Russia has always denied having interfered in any way whatsoever with the 2016 presidential elections.

– The Russian state has never intervened and does not intend to intervene in US elections, Putijev's adviser Jurij Usjakov said Friday:

LONDON: US President Donald Trump was asked to audition at Queen Elizabeth at Windsor Castle, outside London. Video: AP
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From the beginning, 20 people and three companies were accused of the Mueller investigation. Among them, four former Trump advisers, as well as 13 Russians accused of participating in a massive social media campaign aimed at influencing the US public opinion before the elections.

In Friday's statement, it is alleged that the GRU agents as of March 2016, the computers of more than 300 employees and volunteers of the Clinton election campaign and party device have entered the computers

monitoring computers, planting malware and stealing documents. In June of the same year, they began to publish tens of thousands of stolen emails, among other things through fake internet identities.

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