129 arrests by Spanish police and Interpol in action against criminal networks


Spanish police and Interpol announce that they broke a network of organized crime that spread from the Caucasus to Spain and France.

129 people, most of them Armenian, were arrested in the countryside, aiming at the possession of weapons and stolen jewelry, for burglaries, smuggling of drugs and tobacco, the theft of vehicles, and for having used corruption to rig the results of sporting events.

The arrests took place last week in Spain and France. The police attacked 74 properties in what Interpol describes as the biggest action of its kind in Spain. More than 1,000 police officers participated in the action.

Guns, bullet-proof vests, 100,000 euros in cash and a large quantity of illegal tobacco are seized. According to a statement from the Spanish police, Interpol and Europol, several leaders of the network are among those arrested.

French police and police in Georgia also participated in the action, which was the result of a two-and-a-half-year investigation under the auspices of Spanish Police

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