83 dead and 57 missing after the storm in Japan


What is described as "record" amounts of rain has fallen on the western and southwestern parts of Japan in recent days. The storm triggered floods and landslides.

– At least 83 people have died from landslides and floods in most parts of western Japan, reported the Japanese TV channel NHK Sunday.

Danger Alert for Three Prefectures

Mostly, the western and southwestern parts of Japan are affected. The weather has decreased in strength throughout the weekend. At worst, the Japan Meteorological Institute issued danger warnings for 11 of Japan's 47 prefectures. On Sunday, the danger warning only applies to three of them – Gifu, Ehime and Kochi.

– The rescue effort in areas of the country affected by heavy rains is a battle against time. There are still many whose security can not be guaranteed, said Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe after a meeting in the government crisis group

During the weekend, rains caused landslides more powerful. 37 are confirmed dead in the area and 40 are still missing. The consequences are also serious for Ehime, who has been hit by several powerful floods. 22 deaths are related to the storm in the prefecture, and three people are still not counted.

Many are waiting to be evacuated

A total of 3.6 million people in 18 Japanese prefectures were ordered to leave their homes. 54,000 rescuers, including police and soldiers, are participating in the work to keep everyone safe and search for missing persons.

The evacuation work of residents is far from over. Only in Kurashiki, prefecture of Okayama, southwest Japan, more than 1,000 people are waiting to be evacuated. Many houses are more or less completely flooded, and many are sitting on their roofs waiting to be saved.

(© NTB)

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