Horst Seehofer threatens to leave the government if Merkel and his party, the CDU, do not exacerbate asylum policy.
CSU asks asylum seekers who have registered in other EU countries to stop at the border. Merkel is opposed to this, and wants a common European decision.
On Monday afternoon, they meet to discuss.
– We came to the conclusion after very intense negotiations, said Seehofer Monday evening.
He added that he wants to resign as Minister of the Interior.
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Photo: Sven H oppe / AP
Seehofer said the compromise would prevent illegal immigration across the border between Germany and Germany. Austerrike
Angela Merkel said that the two had found a very good compromise
– A new transitional reception for asylum seekers registered in other countries, on the border between l & # 39; Germany and Austria, will be established. Migrants who reside there will be sent back to the country where they were at the beginning of the war, said Ho.
Chancellor Angela Merkel fights to quarrel with the government
Photo: John Macdougall / AFP
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