President Trump surrounds his Supreme Court candidate


By Jørn H. Skjærpe (Dagsavisen) and Nils Myklebost (NTB)

Trump is due Monday to appoint his second judge to the United States Supreme Court. The new judge takes over Anthony Kennedy, who recently announced his retirement at the end of July. Kennedy's departure gives President Donald Trump a welcome opportunity to appoint a new Conservative judge who can serve for 30-40 years, which will give the right party a clear majority.

Fox News reports Thursday that Trump has finished the interview, but that he has not decided correctly yet. He will have interviewed the following six candidates: Brett Kavanaugh, Raymond Kethledge, Amy Coney Barrett, Amul Thapar, Joan Larsen and Thomas Hardiman. The president should have spoken to one of the six candidates twice. Kavanaugh, Kethledge and Barrett are currently the most popular names, writes Fox News. The original list of candidates should have been 25 names – all opponents of self-abortion.

Senate Democrat Leader, Chuck Schumer, said that Democrats will strive to mobilize popular opposition to a new Supreme Court justice against abortion and health reform. Barack Obama.


Before announcing Trump's Monday, the incessant lobbying around the president continues, according to CNN. A number of groups wish to promote their favorite candidate. CNN claims that Trump will do everything in its power to prevent the candidate from leaking it to the media.

On Wednesday, it was the national holiday of the United States, but Trump should have spent time with a new referee. The President also called Twitter "Congratulations to America, America" ​​on the Great Day.

On Thursday, he is meeting in Montana before flying to New Jersey. According to Fox News, he will enjoy three days of vacation, including the favorite golf club.

Monday's decision will be the subject of much attention. The appointment of a new judge to the US Supreme Court can govern policy for decades. The right to free abortion is under threat and there are virtually no restrictions on the weapon, writes NTB.

– The future of our democracy is at stake, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said last week. affecting the direction of US law for decades.

Kennedy was the middle man who balanced between four conservatives and four liberal judges. It is thanks to his voice that gay marriage has been legalized, he has always defended women's right to abortion, and he has criticized the Guantanamo camp. On the other hand, he voted with the right against the restrictions on the right to have arms, against the restrictions on donations to the elections and it's his vote that decided that George W. Bush would become president instead of Al Gore after controversial elections in Florida. 2000.

Difficult for Democrats

Democrat Chuck Schumer commented that the only right is that voters can express their opinion and that the Senate's approval must therefore wait after mid-November.

It shows that Republicans with the same justification for nearly a year blocked the approval of a liberal judge named Barack Obama, until after the presidential election, with the result that Trump instead named the curator Neil Gorsuch.

But Democrats have little to do. Republicans have a 51-49 majority in the Senate, and there is a danger that some Democrats who are vulnerable to elections this fall will not dare to vote for Trumps' candidate.

Two of the four Liberal Supreme Court justices are now so old that Trump can quickly have the opportunity to appoint one or two judges.

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The new judge battle can also affect congressional elections in the fall in a negative way for Democrats, who until now has been so optimistic.

Opinion polls in 2016 showed that many Republicans who did not like Trump remained noses and noses. He voted for him anyway, hoping to change the Supreme Court and affect American politics long after Trump was no longer president

. A new judge can quickly mobilize Republican voters who now doubt Trump. Abortion resistance and restrictions on the right to own weapons are after all quite common in the United States

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More politicized

The United States Supreme Court has a much more politicized role than in others country. The nine judges do not hesitate to go against the will of the Congress if they find that the laws violate the Constitution. The conflict is therefore about the interpretation of the Constitution, a battle that puts constitutional fundamentalists in charge of conservative values ​​against those who interpret more in line with modern society.

Wade, who in 1973 gave American women the right to decide their own bodies, is one of the beliefs that American conservatives have long dreamed of converting.

Many important elements of American democracy can also be threatened. Democrats are concerned that the Supreme Court may continue the path it has recently set, such as restricting voting rights and the right to union organizing, lifting restrictions on large donations to electoral camps, and to accept discrimination against immigrants. The so-called Neil Gorsuch, was approved by the Senate and sworn in April 2017.

See also: The Trump entry ban directed against Muslim lands maintained by the Supreme Court of the United States

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