A Russian woman arrested for an affiliation affair in the United States


The woman was arrested Sunday in Washington, accused of conducting business for the Russians, according to a press release from the US Department of Justice.

They claim that the 29-year-old Russian woman was working on the order of a Kremlin from 2015 to February 2017.

According to the press release, the 29-year-old man developed relations with the Americans and infiltrated organizations that influence US policy, where it aims to promote the interests of Russia.

According to the New York Times, the woman in 2016 attempted twice to hold secret meetings between Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin. It was during the election campaign a few years ago, when Trump was still a presidential candidate.

The FBI thinks that Butina should have tried to "re-establish the communication channel of the representatives of the Russian authorities," the paper writes. without informing the US authorities that she is an agent of the Russian authorities, as required by law.

The 29-year-old man was sentenced Monday afternoon to a judge and may be detained until holding a new hearing on Wednesday.

Last week, 12 Russian secret service agents were also charged with illegal involvement in the US elections as part of the examination of scholar Robert Mueller specialist. .

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