The new Israeli law is criticized for being racist and undemocratic


Many critics believe that the law weakens democracy and makes Palestinian Israelis and other minorities second-class citizens. After all, the decision of the National Assembly will be judged before the Supreme Court.

The American Jewish Committee, representing the Jewish diaspora, is deeply disappointed by the law. The law threatens the goal of the founders of Israel to build both a Jewish and democratic state, the group believes.

The leader of the pro-Israel liberal group J Street in Washington, Jeremy Ben Ami, believes the link between Israel and Jews elsewhere in the world

– The purpose of the law is to send a message to the Arab population community, LGBT groups and other minorities in Israel that they are not and will never be equal citizens, "says Ben Ami.

– The strong ties between Israel and Jews around the world are based on the values ​​that Israel is both a Jewish and democratic state, he continues.

Advantage of Hebrew

The new law was passed in the National Assembly with 62 against 55 votes overnight on Thursday after a heated debate. The law defines the country as "a nation of the Jewish people", of which the Jews only have self-determination. He also states that Hebrew is the national language of the country. Previously, Arabic had the same status, but now given a lower status. It is also stated that "Jewish settlements (in Israel) are in the interest of the nation".

– This is a crucial moment in the history of Israel, which has rocked our language, our national anthem and our flag, said Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the vote.

– We will continue to ensure civil rights in Israeli democracy, but the majority also has rights, and the majority decides, he said.

– Care and Shock

According to Reuters, the law states that only Jews have national self-sufficiency in Israel, something that the Arab minority in the country reacts strongly and calls racist and on the border with Israel. # 39; apartheid.

After the vote, the Arab members of the National Assembly protested aloud and tore up the papers in filler.

– In sorrow and shock, I announce that democracy is dead, said Ahmad Tibi, leader of the Arab League, who waved a black flag during the debate.

– It's a bad law. Today, I must tell my children, like all children in Palestinian Arab cities, that the state said they did not want us here. A law of Jewish supremacy has been passed that tells us that we will always be second-class citizens, he said after the ballot.

He lives around 1.8 million Israeli Arabs in Israel.

Two representatives resigned from the vote. One was Benny Begin, son of former Prime Minister Menachem Begin, who joined the Likud Government Party

– This is not a decision I was expecting from the direction of Leda, he said.

(© NTB)

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