Abnormal peace – addressa.no


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Peace is not usually in European history. That said Jens Stoltenberg, the profile of olsok year, from the scene to Stiklestad. He can go from the residence of Brussels to Waterloo, the place where the march of Napoleon was stopped. In another direction is Ypres. The use of mustard gas was used for the first time at war

. The idea that European states should wage war in the same way that they did it 150, 100 or 75 years ago is almost incomprehensible. It is much more important to be for peace and war now than before, "says Stoltenberg. Our ability to destroy is so great that a large-scale war can not break out.

NATO leader Jens Stoltenberg at Adresseavisen: – Good to Trump with Putin

Bolverket against war, says Stoltenberg, has three pillars. One of them is the dialogue between states. Another is a strong defense that makes it more expensive than attacking. This is a point that it serves with easy hidden links with the Norwegian defense budget, which does not seem to reach two percent of GDP, the official goal of NATO. .

Strong international institutions such as the UN, the EU and NATO, is the third. The EU is not just the bureaucratic monster to which it seems Norway is discussing the Acer energy partnership. It is also an institution that will ensure that Europe does not fall back into the old normal state of war.

For us as grew up in the 90s and 2000s, the war was a strange thought. Our ideas about war were planted in us through the stories of grandparents, school books, movies. One of the first reports I remember is a fighter jet coming off of such a brilliant airport over Sarajevo. It was war, but I did not understand what she would say.

READ OBSERVATION: Threats and Crises at the NATO Summit

Many years later came on September 11th. We were afraid of terror, but it was not war, there were violent crimes, massive destruction

It was a time filled with resistance to the war in Iraq, protests that Norway should bring to Afghanistan. In an old interview in a local newspaper, I came across this summer, I was asked what made me angry. The answer? The progress of the United States in the world. They should not be able to do as they would, even if they were strong and powerful.

We were angry about Foreign Minister Jan Petersen, who we believe danced after the American pipe. Now, we are intimidated by the threats of trade war and Twitter quarrel between the United States and Iran, and that countries like Poland, Hungary and Turkey have given authoritarian flows a place in the alliances which we are part of. ] We went to peace that even the smallest cracks in the pillars of Stoltenberg seem overwhelming, perhaps because they felt eternal when we grew up. When Donald Trump overtakes the EU and NATO allies, insecurity is felt even for us who know that there are more NATO soldiers in Europe only for a long time. It is almost missed when French Fries was baptized at Freedom Fries because the French were against the war in Iraq.

At first it seemed that nothing was left to chance in Stiklestad. The Stoltenberg scene spoke was full of sunflowers, a flower that symbolizes peace. But coincidences demand their right. At the end of the scene, three flowers had begun to fade

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