Satellite images show large-scale Russian military constructions on the Baltic Sea


The satellite images that SVT has access to are taken by the Israeli company ImageSat International (ISI). They have also been published recently by CNN and show a large-scale Russian construction. In the port of Primorsk alone, 40 new bunkers are under construction.

Russia needs storage for its new weapons systems, "said Fredrik Westerlund at the Defense Research Institute Total (JTF) in Sweden, which believes that the number of missiles and combat heads in some systems could double.

Westerlund mentions, among other things, the new Iskander rocket system. It includes both cruise missiles and ballistic rockets. According to SVT, it was operational in Kaliningrad in February.

The new Russian weapons have great flexibility and many components, and therefore require more storage, according to Westerlund.

Nuclear weapons

Oana Lungescu, NATO spokesperson, will not comment directly on the case SVT, but say that they are closely following the talk of Russia, including in the Baltic Sea and the Black Sea.

– In these regions, Russia is launching long-haul aircraft for air and sea purposes. They have also deployed missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads to Kaliningrad, one of the most militarized areas in Europe, she said.

Kaliningrad has no continental connection with the rest of Russia and lies between Poland and Lithuania, a NATO country. The enklaven is considered the most important strategic position of Russia on the Baltic Sea.

Endangered Disarmament Agreement

US President Donald Trump announced Saturday that the Americans would withdraw from the FNI disarmament agreement because Russia was breaking it. Russia denies this.

The agreement was signed in 1987 and banned all intermediate-type land rockets. John Bolton, Trumps adviser for national security, was on Monday in Moscow to discuss the issue with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

The maximum range allowed in accordance with the INF is 500 kilometers. The range of the Iskander (Iskander-M) ballistic system would be a little less than 500 km. According to SVT, however, the system would have a theoretical range of between 700 and 800 km.

According to JTF, the Iskander-K cruise ship can be modified to have a range of 1,500 to 2,000 kilometers. In this case, it can threaten a large part of Kaliningrad Europe.

(© NTB)

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