– A fight organized between Russ


Ten Norwegians and a Polish citizen were arrested by police on the island of Kos in Greece. This confirms the police officer and police chief Petros Vassilakis in Dagbladet

Russ arrested

It will come around several Norwegian cities that are on vacation on the island.

Dagbladet has been in contact with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

One of the participants in the tour in front of the police station told VG that the detainees were taken away by police in the main Kos market between half and half of the 2-year period.

he says.

The tour is an arranged trip for future Russians. Hundreds of young people from all over the country are participating, says the witness.

– Fighting stopped

  Kos: Russ arrested in the city of Kos. General Manager of West Bar in Kos Town Street, Ronny Helmersen. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet
KOS: Russ arrested in the city of Kos. General Manager of West Bar in Kos Town Street, Ronny Helmersen. Photo: Christian Roth Christensen / Dagbladet.
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Vassilakis confirms to Dagbladet that the youths were arrested after a fight.

– The police were on the spot quickly and controlled the situation, he said.

Young people are now waiting for a follow-up of justice in Greece, but the police chief can say nothing more about when this will happen.

The West Bar Association Chief Executive, Ronny Helmersen, tells Dagbladet that there have been "bellowings" for several days between two Russian buses

– There should be a fight organized between two Russian buses. After Dagbladet knew it, the Russians were planning to return home to Norway today. None of the eleven who were placed in a smooth cell reached the plane, Helmsersen said. from after Helmersen.

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The Ministry of Foreign Affairs can not comment on the arrests of young people.

– The Embassy in Athens is in contact with local authorities and will provide consular assistance in accordance with established practice. framework for helping Norwegian citizens imprisoned abroad, says a Foreign Ministry press secretary, Kari Eken Wollebæk, in Dagbladet

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