A former Frp politician driven out of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe


Former Frp MP Karin Woldseth was expelled from the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe because she was defending Azerbaijan.

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) decided that Woldseth should be banned for all his life. . According to an independent review, she used access to the assembly to lobby in Azerbaijan, reports NRK

– I had a lesser violation of an ethical directive and one the judge is as tough as supposedly corrupt, says Woldseth. the chain.

Woldseth served on the Hordaland bench in Parliament from 2001 to 2013, and was one of five permanent members of Parliament at the Parliamentary Assembly in Strasbourg for eight years. For NRK, she says that the only mistake she made is not to return her access card when she started as a lobbyist. She rejects a point in the report saying that she was part of a network that worked for Azerbaijan

– I did not conduct any lobbying activity for a a country other than Norway, says Woldseth


The PACE comprises 324 representatives and as many representatives of the 47 national assemblies of the member countries. PACE works for the strengthening of human rights, parliamentary democracy and the rule of law in the member states.

According to several media, Azerbaijan has, in recent years, sparked criticism of the PACE against the country

Woldseth was president of the Storting. from 2009 to 2013. The following year, the Foreign Ministry criticized its participation as a lobbyist in the Council of Europe, but Woldseth this time denied the class struggle for lobbying for Azerbaijan and invoked this claim

Høryres Ingjerd Schou, who followed Woldseth. who chairs the delegation, told both Klassekamp and Aftenposten that Woldseth had told her in 2014 that she was lobbying for Azerbaijan and that she would like to work for Russia

Scientology Church

Woldseth admitted to Aftenposten in 2017 that, through her sole proprietorship Policy Consulting, she had run a lobbying firm in Strasbourg until this year, but did not want to say what sources and missions she had.

However, in 2014, the former parliamentary representative acknowledged that she had contacts with the Church of Scientology, but refused to pay the disputed sect. The UD warned that Woldseth's activities could harm the interests of Norwegian foreign policy, but the Strasbourg delegation said at the time that it had done nothing about it. ;illegal.

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