A yarn in the first bull race of this year in Pamplona


Thousands of people gathered in the northern city of Spain for the annual festival that has been taking place for over 700 years. The ox walks are one of the most famous and controversial cultural traditions in Spain

This year's festival started on Friday and was presented on Saturday morning at the first bull run that took place over 800 meters in the streets of the city. . Spectators dressed in white with a red backdrop
The streets were slippery after nightly showers when the bulls went wild and after three minutes of chaos, pulse and a lot of adrenaline that the Red Cross could do. status: one wounded and four wounded.

Injuries are as fixed as the race itself. Last year, more than 17,000 people attended the festival. 64 were injured in the races, seven of them after being spun.

Since 1910, 16 people have lost their lives in the axes races. The last recent death occurred in 2009.

– There is no risk in anything, says 37-year-old Raul Plaza, who ran more than 130 times the bulls in Pamplona.

For bulls, the risk is absolute. After crossing the city, the journey ends – and life – inexorably on the bullring.

(© NTB)

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