Ask Sandberg to explain the Iran tour with the owner of a seafood company


Several Storting politicians are now asking Fisheries Minister Per Sandberg to explain his private trip to Iran with an Iranian-Iranian woman who owns a seafood business.

Reactions occur after Filter News mentioned that the relationship between Sandberg and Bahareh Letnes should have been a theme in the Prime Minister's Office (SMK)

It was about how Sandberg combines private and official contacts with the Iranian authorities while being Minister of Fisheries and therefore representative of the Norwegian Government.

Sandberg is this week on holiday in Iran with Letnes, who has posted more pictures of the two together on his Instagram account, writes Filter News.

Ask Sandberg to explain

To VG ber Torgeir Knag Fylkesnes (SV) Sandberg, vice chairman of the nutrition committee of the Norwegian Parliament, to clarify his relationship.

– It is important to clarify if there is a case of confusion between police kk and privacy. If it's an orderly relationship, I wish them good luck, he says to the paper

He asks Sandberg himself to get on the ground.

– If I can not get an answer from the Minister of Fisheries I will address this issue as a written question in Parliament, "said Fylkesnes.

The other vice-chair of the committee nutrition, Terje Aasland (Ap), supports the starting point of Fylkesnes

open.I hope and I believe that Sandberg will explain how this relationship is, so that there is no unnecessary speculation, "said Aasland to Dagbladet

The article goes on during the announcement

Expects the trip to be authorized

The Nutrition Committee, Geir Pollestad (Sp ), tells Dagbladet that he expects SMK to be informed of Sandberg's trip.

– In the case of Letnes's commercial activities, Sandberg must, as usual, declare 19659002] – It is not necessarily without problem that a Norwegian government is visiting Now, I expect that Sandberg has completed the trip with his own ministry and SMK – even if it is a vacation trip, he adds. .

According to Dagens Næringsliv, it was the Iranian authorities who informed Minister Sandberg

In an email sent by the Norwegian Embassy in Iran to the Minister of Fisheries, Sandberg's office , the Embassy conveyed the desire of the Iranian Foreign Ministry to meet Sandberg

Dagens Næringsliv asked the Ministry of Industry and Fisheries

– The Minister of Fisheries is currently on vacation and the ministry has no comment on Per Sandberg's private vacation plans, writes communications advisor Wensel Halvard in an email to the newspaper.

Dagbladet did not manage to get in touch with the Department of Commerce and Fisheries on Friday night.

Sandberg and Letnes

On the Instagram cow of Bahareh Letnes, 28 years old nto was added several photos of Sandberg and Letnes together in Iran last week. Until Friday night, this Instagram account was open, but was made private during the evening.

According to Filter News, Latvia got asylum in Norway in 2008. She was born in Iran.

Letnes when he attended the Iranian New Year celebration at the Iranian Embassy in Oslo in March this year. Sandberg was then also Minister of Justice, writes Filter News

Towards the online newspaper Filters News does not want Sandberg to comment on the relationship with Letnes.

When he clarified the trip and the relationship with SMK, Sandberg told the newspaper:

"I have regular meetings with the prime minister and my team at the ministry. has confidential conversations with which I do not agree. "

He points out that Letnes did not follow him:" anyone who meets or travels with the Ministry of Industry and Fisheries or trips / meetings related to my work Minister of Fisheries. "

" Neither me, nor the Department of Industry and Fisheries, have and have had in addition to Letne's response to the company's fishing magazine on July 11th, the statement said.

– The fishing journal mentions the relationship between Letnes and Sandberg on July 11. that his company had never exported fish.

"First, the company was not registered for the purpose of trade between Norway and Iran, the company neither exported nor imported anything. The company also has no authorization to export seafood and may be removed, "she wrote in a text by Letnes

[19659002] "Your question regarding the Minister of Fisheries is completely irrelevant. since neither the company nor I have exported seafood from Norway. I am not and have never been a fishing exporter.

Letnes appears on the list of owners of an individual company B & H General Trading Company, registered on January 8th. For the Brønnøysund register, the company explained that it is engaged in the "production, development, purchase and sale, including export of fish and seafood products and other things that naturally coincide with that. Imports of all foods. Import, purchase and transportation of natural gas from Iran. The export of equipment and key technologies to the oil and gas sector. "

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