Assange can be thrown out of the embassy


So, Assange might have to leave the country's embassy in London, where he has been staying since 2012. It's the American journalist Glenn Greenwald, known for his collaboration with Edward Snowden, who reviews the news. case. [19659002] According to Greenwald, the president of Ecuador, Lenin Moreno, has had meetings with British officials to draft an agreement that involves the protection of Snowden. Then he will be transferred to the British authorities.

Assange was a refugee at the embassy after a British judge confirmed that he should be handed over to Sweden where he was charged with sexual assault. Assange argued that the charges are motivated by political considerations and that they could move him to the United States.

During the 2016 US election campaign, Wikileaks helped spread a large number of stolen emails to servers. the leadership of the Democratic Party. US intelligence officials believe that Russian intelligence was behind the break-in and that it was part of Russia's campaign to influence the US elections.

The Sunday Times writes that Secretary of State Alan Duncan is among those involved in discussions with Ecuador.

Earlier in July, twelve Russian intelligence officers were sentenced by a US grand jury to be behind piracy.

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