At least 20 people killed in Taliban attacks on election campaign meeting in Pakistan


The young kamikaze hit until Tuesday night, just as Haroon Ahmed Bilour was going to talk to about 200 worshipers, police reported. Bilor, the local leader of the Awami National Party (ANP), was killed

. A Tehreek-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) spokesman said he was attacked because of the party's secular attitude. In Muhammad Khurasani's statement, Pakistanis are warned to stop attending party events and meetings in the future.

His wounded

19 other people who attended the event were killed, all considered civilians. Bilour was the ANP candidate at the provincial assembly of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, where Peshawar is the capital. Bilour's own father was killed by a suicide bomber
in 2012.

More than 60 people were injured, police reported. Among them, Bilours, son of 16 years. The teenager is now calm among the father's disciples.

– I am also willing to sacrifice my life for their rights, but I ask you to exercise control, said party leader Daniyal Bilour to family supporters. Offensive

The ANP Bilors Party ruled Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Province from 2008 to 2013. In 2009, the military launched a major offensive against rebels in the Swat Valley. Islamic extremists killed hundreds of ANP leaders and hangers in several attacks
in previous elections in 2013.

Provincial and national elections will be held in Pakistan on July 25. Hours before his assassination, Bilour said he was deeply concerned about the elections, which he said were extremist groups under threat

(© NTB)

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