At least 60 dead in forest fires in Athens


The number of deaths is confirmed by the local authorities and the Greek Red Cross on Tuesday morning. Mortality rate increased shortly after 26 more died Tuesday morning

Many families of children died

They were found in the garden of a house in Mati, north of port of Rafina in the east of Athens. Many of the victims seem to have been family members who rubbed shoulders with their deaths

– They tried to find a way out of the flames, but unfortunately, these families did not manage to find a way to escape. 39, evacuation in time. Cross in Greece, Nikos Economopoulos, on the Greek TV channel Skai

The fires started on Monday and spread in a few hours due to wind, extreme drought and high temperatures.

] Previously, the Greek media reported 24 deaths. Some of them drowned while they were trying to swim from the wildfires.

Rafina is located east of Athens in a popular tourist area, about 40 kilometers from the Greek capital. Earlier, it was reported that most of the other victims were found in Mati, just north of Rafina.

– Unfortunately, here are the most injured and dead people who have not managed to escape his cars said the spokesman of the authorities of Dimitris Tzanakopoulos to Tuesday night.

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More than 150 people, including 16 children, are injured, according to the minister. For eleven of them, the condition is critical. According to The Guardian, the youngest victim should have been a six-month-old baby who died of a smoke injury.

  FIRE: The Greek authorities have asked the EU to help in the work of extinguishment. The photo is taken at the city of Mati east of Athens. Photo: Scanpix of Thanassis Stavrakis / AP / NTB
FIRE: Authorities in Greece have asked the EU to help in its extinction work. The photo is taken at the city of Mati east of Athens. Photo: Thanassis Stavrakis / AP / NTB Scanpix.
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State of Exclusion

The authorities of the country declared the state of emergency in the eastern and western regions of Greater Athens and, on Monday night, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras returned from A visit to Bosnia to monitor the situation.

Tzanakopoulos started simultaneously in three different regions of Athens. Greece has therefore looked for drones from America to "observe and capture unusual activities".

– We are fighting for something completely disproportionate, said the prime minister, according to the DPA news agency.

Three missing Danish tourists were found in good condition on Tuesday morning. Two of them, including a six year old girl, were hospitalized for observation. A total of 39 Danes evacuated from a hotel north of Rafina, reports Ritzau.

No Norwegian Traveler Reached

Several Norwegian tour operators reported that none of their clients were currently affected by fires in Greece.

The travel insurance, Sigmund Clementz, tells Dagbladet that they have not received any requests from Norwegians who have been affected, but they know that there are Scandinavians in the area.

Clementz adds that it is mainly a region where the Greeks themselves This is not a typical seaside resort for foreign tourists

The Norwegian Anette Gunnæs saw the flames of the balcony near Mati, and considered evacuating

The couple noticed the smoke on the first day while they were bathing. In the evening, they could see the flames from their own balcony

– If the wind had turned, we might have been able to move forward, says Gunnæs on the phone to NTB

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is now working together with the Embassy of Athens.

Kari Eken Wollebæk, press attaché to the UD, tells Dagbladet that he encourages Norwegians from the affected areas to stay informed of the situation and to follow the advice of local authorities. 19659005] – We also encourage Norwegians in Greece to register their stay on the trip registration.No, says Wollebæk to Dagbladet

– Come astonishingly on […] Tuesday morning, Miltiadis Mylonas, deputy director of the service of Ambulance, waiting for the death toll will continue to rise.

  SMOKING AND FLAMMING: The smoke is close to Mati. The photo taken on a road in Kineta on Monday. Photo: Thanassis Stavrakis Scanpix / AP / NTB
SMOKING AND FLAMMING: The smoke is close to Mati. The photo taken on a road in Kineta on Monday. Photo: Thanassis Stavrakis / AP / NTB Scanpix.
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– It happened surprisingly on people and it happened very quickly. In addition, the fire broke out on so many fronts, and all these factors made the situation extremely difficult, "said Mylonas.

He claims that the authorities continue to identify the victims and to alert loved ones.


Forest fires are not uncommon in Greece, but extreme drought and strong winds led to a bonfire in the first fire broke out in a pine forest near the coastal town of Kineta, west of Athens

Firefighters, helicopters, dozens of vehicles and 600 firefighters participate in the extinguishing and reinforcements were sent from all over Greece

broke out Monday afternoon in the Penteli region northeast of Athens.

The Greek authorities have requested the EU to participate in the extinguishing works and requested assistance on land and in Cyprus, Spain, Turkey and Israel have offered to send both fire trucks and firefighters.

A spokesman for the Israeli authorities, Ofir Gendelman, writes on Twitter Tuesday morning at 8:42 am that the Greek authorities claim to have fire.

– Israel is ready to help Greece in any way, writes Gendelman

  RØYK: A fire truck goes through dense smoke on a road near Kineta to the west of 39; Athens. Photo: Thanassis Stavrakis Scanpix / AP / NTB
RØYK: A fire truck crosses a dense smoke on a road near Kineta in the west of Athens. Photo: Thanassis Stavrakis / AP / NTB Scanpix.
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Houses destroyed

Rafina reporter Evangelos Bournous told Reuters that he saw at least 100 homes extinguished by the flames and more than 200 cars on fire.

– I saw it with my own eyes. This is a disaster, he says

Mati, located in the port of Rafina, popular with tourists, must be destroyed by violent fires.

– The region does not exist anymore, says a woman to the Greeks. TV drive Skai TV

– I saw dead people and cars burned. I'm lucky to be alive, "she says.

Parts of Mati were still covered with white smoke Tuesday morning. According to Al Jazeera, burned cars were scattered over three-storey burned blocks.

  WHEREAS: A firefighter was burned Tuesday morning in a burned house in the village of Kineta, out of Athens. Photo: Yorgos Karahalis / AP / NTB scanpix
UTBRENT: A firefighter in a burned house at Kineta village outside Athens on Tuesday morning. Photo: Yorgos Karahalis / AP / NTB scanpix.
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The country's authorities encourage all the inhabitants of the region to evacuate

– People should simply run away, lock their houses and simply hang out. You can not tolerate so much smoke for so long. It is an extreme situation, said Achilleas Tzouvaras, local fire chief, Monday evening

Flies at the beach

Many have tried to escape to the beach to escape to the flames, including Kostas Laganos de Mati.

  BEACH: People are on the beach in Mati east of Athens, many of whom drove their cars to the beach. Photo: Scanpix of Thanassis Stavrakis / AP / NTB
STRANDA: People are on the beach in Mati east of Athens, many of whom drove their cars to the beach. Photo: Thanassis Stavrakis / AP / NTB Scanpix.
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– Fortunately, the sea was there and we got there when the flames chased us all the way. They broke our backs and jumped into the water, Laganos told Sky News.

Earlier in the day, the Coast Guard sent a patrol boat to rescue people caught in the flames. summer camp for children near the fire.

– We were unhappy The wind changed direction and came to us with so much power that it swept the coastal area in minutes, "said Bournous, according to CBS News.

The kai area quickly changed to become an improvised hospital while the paramedics treated the survivors

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