Battle of Brexit: Only one politician goes


UK Deputy Defense Minister Guto Bebb resigned Monday night. Here's what he's doing after a poll on Brexit

According to Sky News, Bebb is going to vote against a legal supplement

Tonight, the government has avoided a defeat of the government. enforcement of the Customs and Trade Act. This bill adds criticisms that will undermine Theresa May's bargaining position.

With 305 votes to support the amendment. 302 votes against, writes the BBC

According to NTB, nine other politicians left the government following the Brexit strategy

. The revolt against Mays brexit's strategy began with British chief negotiator David Davis being dropped last week. Then, Boris Johnson announced his resignation as secretary of state.

In a Daily Telegraph newspaper on Monday, Johnson writes that he supports a "global UK" and that the British people must fight without stopping for free trade agreements. that Brexit's dream is about to die because of what he believes to be an unnecessarily low self-esteem in negotiations with the EU. He also believes that Mays' plan implies that the UK is on the verge of obtaining "colony" status.

The case is updated

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