Battle of the United States – Trump and Obama meet for "President's fight"


It has rarely been so a lot of happiness about an intermediate choice in the United States. A record number of voters have already voted in advance and new records are expected before the publication of the first polls just past midnight, Norwegian time, tonight. Never before have so many women been elected, never before have there been so many minority candidates, there have rarely been so many regular matches.

And of course, Donald Trump. It must take a lot of credit for the growing political commitment of Americans. The middleman tends to be a first verdict on the incumbent president, but with Trump at the White House, there are more than usual who will denounce the verdict. He evolved into pure presidential elections, as Trump himself insisted that the elections be on him. In all the electoral matches, he repeats the message. A vote on the Republican candidate is a voice for him.

RESEARCH IN NORWAY: Former US President Barack Obama was on stage for the Oslo Business Forum. There, he asked what he would do if he became president for a day. Then he came to the current President Donald Trump. Video: Nina Hansen / Dagbladet
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But also another president threw in the election campaign. Barack Obama has put more Democrats in place, notably in Georgia, Florida and Illinois, where black candidates can follow in his footsteps and become historic if they win, whether in local elections or in the United States. Congress.

It was not long before the two old political enemies became a man. The enmity that unites them is personal after Trump led the "Birther" movement, the racist conspiracy theory that the first black president of the United States was not a married American.

Trump never apologized for that, and in recent days he has mentioned Obama as Barack H. Obama. He does not say Hussain, the prostitute has aroused applause among his supporters.

Trump blows nonstop by attracting a wider audience than Obama, as if the size was the only scale. Few other politicians are active in the arena sector.

Even more interesting is their talk about who will benefit the most from the good economy today. Obama rightly claims that recovery times were on track when Trump took power. He also points out that he created even more jobs last year than Trump at his first. Trump claims to have created "better" jobs, that is, more jobs in the industry and the production of commodities. He found clandestine jobs at home.

snore: President Donald Trump delivered a speech in North Dakota, where he fought fiercely against Democrats and former President Barack Obama. Video: CNN
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Obama can boast that he managed to reduce the budget deficit as a result of a historic financial crisis. Trump has so reversed the upward trend of the deficit that a permanent crisis ensues.

And then, these are the calculations that interest many voters; What do I have in my wallet? No less, have we given better advice to the powerful middle class under Trump? Well, it's like we're counting on it. Timeouts and tax cuts are affected by interest rate increases and gasoline prices. The growth of the stock market is not something that most people appreciate. The job is high, but more and more Americans need to take more jobs to support themselves.

At some point, Obama can triumph unreservedly. No Republican candidate says more than Obamacare in a negative way. On the contrary, Trump now claims to have always opted for health insurance covering an existing illness, that is, a pattern of confusion similar to that of Obamacare. Except that his career is much, much cheaper and better.

It may be that health insurance is one of the most important issues in this election, including among Republican voters. More important than self-immigration.

After most the polls being out of the last presidential election, election researchers are more reluctant to draw conclusions this time. However, measures have long shown that Democrats are likely to win a majority in the House of Representatives, while Republicans retain a majority in the Senate. It would be sensational if the Democrats were successful in tipping the Senate, because most of the senators participating in the elections represent the states Trump is used to.

But elections can still contribute to shock and drama, especially in the elections of less polarized governors and more dependent on the person. Many are also enthusiastic about how Democratic Beto O. Rourke actually does it in the former state of Texas, so bloody. For now, as expected, Senator Ted Cruz seems safe.

Ted Cruz is the personification of polarized American politics. The senator from Texas is so unpopular in the Senate that even his does not openly love him. The Lindsay Graham party had to say that; Cruz is so hated that if someone shot him in the Senate, nobody would have bothered him.

CREATE ON: Donald Trump still creates titles around the world. This time, it is after the intelligent treatment of an umbrella. See the event here! Video: AP
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Have Beto O 'Rourke anyway a brilliant chance? Election researchers point out that O 'Rourke has been conducting a non-traditional election campaign in parts of the state that Cruz has barely visited and where there are few measures. An unusually high vote can make the difference.

It is nevertheless incorrect to compare it to Obama, because the polls, even if they had just happened, had relatively good control. Beto must be compared to the biggest surprise of American politics of all time.

Beto may be Donald Trump of this election. If he loses, as all suggest, he is still the big star of this election campaign and can be ready for an even bigger stage in two years.

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