Boris Johnson resigns as British Foreign Minister


The departure of Boris Johnson was confirmed by the office of Prime Minister Theresa Mays Monday afternoon, and is the dramatic climax of a controversial battle in the British conversion party on how Great Britain's Brittany will lead the breach with the EU. he thinks that the UK has made some important decisions and has not prepared for a scenario where there is no brexite agreement, which he says may lead to an intermediate solution in which the United Kingdom remains part of the commercial cooperation without any real control.

Third start in a short time

Johnson's departure comes following the departure of David Davis. He has been a minister of the brexit since the referendum two years ago, and resigned Sunday night because he did not agree with Prime Minister Theresa May on the way forward in negotiations on Brexit. Minister Davis Vision has resigned.

Davis sent his resignation letter to the Prime Minister Sunday, just two days after the British government was deeply divided at a 12-hour meeting at the Prime Minister's home, Checkers accepted a Brexit variant. In his resignation letter, Davis writes that he thinks that the new EU strategy makes "less and less likely" that Britain leaves the Customs Union and the internal market of the EU. # 39; EU.

Defends the soft brexit

At your meeting at the lower house, May confirmed that the departures were due to the fact that the ministers "were not in agreement on the best outcome of the referendum on the Brexit ".

– I'm going to congratulate the outgoing Brexit minister for his job of leaving the EU, forming a whole new ministry, and reviewing some of the most important laws of many generations, said May departure of Davis

. We also welcome the passion that the former Foreign Minister has shown in promoting a UK now that the country is preparing to leave the EU, said the Prime Minister

and then defended the Brexit plan that she and the government approved Friday.

– This is the right way to implement Brexit, she said, asking the EU to support the plan.

– But we must prepare for all possible scenarios, including the possibility of an agreement with the EU in all, says May.

There are only nine months left in the UK to leave the EU

Must have strongly disagreed

According to the Daily Mail and other media, Johnson must be out against the sweetness of Mays brexit at a meeting on Friday. He should say, among other things, that having to defend the proposal was like "polishing a beast".

The attack should have arrived only a few hours after May reintroduced collective responsibility for the government and made it clear that members of the government who did not support a light audience but promoted their own vision would be expelled.

Boris Johnson was one of Brexit's leading champions, and several predictions that his departure could create more uncertainty around Theresa May.

According to a government spokesman, Johnson's successor to the post of secretary of state will be announced shortly.

Professor: – May May May Survive Prime Minister

– May has now won the fight for a brexite Look inside the government. It's not surprising that Davis and Johnson are retiring, but it's a serious blow to the government, "says Steinnes. He is a professor of modern European history at NTNU and has written a book on British British politics.

He does not know if Johnson's departure will be enough to mobilize the heroic brexite hangers. Many drew mistrust against May as an opportunity. To do this, 48 ​​MPs must express their suspicion.

– I think it will probably be less than 50% in May. In this case, it is longer. But there is an opportunity when the situation is now in the foreground. May and the legitimacy of the government are now weakened. It has never been so open if it will survive as a prime minister like now, he says.

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