Brexit Minister David Davis resigns – NRK Norway – Overview of news from different parts of the country


The two countries only came out two days after the British government agreed on a common strategy for Britain's future outside the EU, including Reuters and Britain. PA, citing anonymous sources

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Photo: Stefan Rousseau / AP

According to the British newspaper The Independent, Davis does not agree with Prime Minister Theresa May on issues related to customs and trade. He has repeatedly threatened to resign since he was elected head of the new brexit department in 2016.

The Brexit Department did not respond to media requests on Sunday night [19659006OnFridayeveningafteratwelve-hourmeetingMayandherdeeplydividedgovernmentagreedonacommonEuropeanstrategyThereshesupportedafreetradeplanwiththeEUforindustrialandagriculturalproducts

Getting a final plan that the government is united and that the EU can accept is nevertheless a huge challenge, just nine months before the UK. leaving the EU

The hard core, including Foreign Minister Boris Johnson, was skeptical about MAY's proposal, which means that Britain remains close to the trade rules of the United States. ; EU. They believe that this will limit Britain's ability to enter into new trade agreements with other countries, such as the United States.

Washington MP Peter Bone believes Davis's decision is "courageous and principled". Bone, who is Mays Partifelle, believes that "the Prime Minister's proposal to write a paper breed only is unacceptable."

President Ian Lavery in Labor describes the situation as "complete chaos" and says May n & # 39, has more authority. ] Davis, who has long been a leading opponent of the EU, has been conducting talks with the EU since the historic referendum that led to Brexit two years ago.

Got Warnings

A group more favorable to the EU Philip Hammond believes that it is important to maintain good economic ties with the EU and the EU market of 500 million people.

The government has recently received strong warnings from major companies such as Airbus and Jaguar Land Rover. UK there is no agreement on a free trade agreement with the EU. Airbus alone has 14,000 employees in the UK.

The month of May should present the contents of the government agreement for the country's parliament

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