British police officer admitted to hospital after suspicion of shock novice


A British police officer is admitted to the hospital because he is suspected of being exposed to the shock of the novices, reports the Salisbury Journal newspaper.

The emergency department of Great Western Hospital Swindon Hospital is closed and no patient is admitted.

– A police officer was admitted to the hospital Saturday afternoon for an incident related to the ongoing incident in Amesbury, said a hospital spokesman Saturday evening

. The hospital has special equipment to collect and analyze samples and, in a short time, it will get an answer on the question of whether it is a novice shock that the police received

A spokesman for Salisbury Hospital for nervous poisoning, is very small.

Last Saturday, a woman and a man, both in the 40s, were admitted to the hospital after receiving the very dangerous nervous novichoke.

More than a hundred police officers are investigating the case and one of the theories is that both were on a small container of poison – and that it could be thrown away after the nervous attack against the former Russian spy Sergei Skripal and the girl Julia in Salisbury in March

(© NTB)

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