Chaotic conditions await refugees and migrants in Spain


Since Friday, more than 1,500 refugees and migrants have sailed from North Africa to the province of Cadiz and the Spanish recipient is overwhelmed.

On Sunday, half-naked bathers in Tarifa saw a rubber boat of refugees and migrants land on the beach and tens of thousands of people jumped from the ground and ran to earth.

Most arrivals are transported to the port city of Algeciras, where police stations and temporary accommodation in sports facilities are crowded, and many newcomers must therefore spend the night in full air.

Many of those who have recently arrived are now sleeping on the deck of an orange rescue ship located at the dock, while others have made temporary beds on the sidewalk.

The sun shines

The bed of Glenn Alban, 18, Cameroonian, is a pair of folded cardboard, and he spent a carpet of the Red Cross between a fence and a roadblock to protect himself from the sun roaring.

Two small meals a day – milk and biscuits for breakfast, juice and sandwiches for dinner – that's all it gets and it starts to make the difference so much on strength only on patience.

– As you can see, it is difficult. It is so hot. I did not expect to stay here so long. I am shocked, I can not believe it, "said Alban, who lived in Morocco for two years before setting sail in Europe.

Before the police identify him and let him go. registers, he can not leave the port area, and Alban does not hide his disappointment to the Spanish authorities.

– Under control

Spanish Interior Minister Fernando Grande-Marlaska visited Algeciras this weekend. end and denied that the receiving device broke down.

– The situation is absolutely controlled and verifiable, he said.

Police and rescue workers who work among those who arrive are 39: a different opinion, they ask for planning by the authorities and talk about the lack of funding and under-work.

– The number of arriving migrants is important, as well as the lack of funds to receive them, explains Carmen Velayos, head of the Cadiz Department of Assassination of the Spanish Lice (SUP),


According to Spanish law, refugees and migrants will be registered within 72 hours, but this will not happen. Conditions in the province of Cadiz are considered increasingly chaotic and on Sunday, 62 people escaped from a temporary reception in a warehouse in Barbate.

Authorities can not provide enough mattresses, blankets or food for those who arrive, says Ana Rosado of the Andalusian Association for Human Rights (APDHA).

In many areas, local leaders ask people to give food. to help newcomers, she says.

– The authorities are completely out of date, says Rosado.

Political Battle

The flow of refugees and migrants from North Africa in recent months has also been a political battle in Spain.

The opposition claims that Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, who took power in June, encouraged the newcomers by receiving two rescue boats with refugees and migrants that Italy refused to accept. # 39; accept.

The Socialist government rejects this and indicates that the increased influx began more than a year ago when the conservative Partido Popular (PP) party held the power of the government in Spain.

Sanchez also claims that the former government should have strengthened the system of preparation and reception.

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