Cried to DNS for its camp for democracy in Poland


Polish lawyer and mediator Adam Bodnar received the Thorolf Rafto Memorial Award on the national stage on Sunday night.

– It's a great honor for me and my team to receive this award. It's an award for all Poles who are fighting for freedom and human rights, "said Bodnar in his thank-you speech.

Raftostiftelsen said at the award ceremony that Bodnar had played an important role for the defenders of democracy in Poland.

– Democratic forces

Following the election of the PiS in October 2015, the party used its majority in the National Assembly to introduce a series of legislative changes that curtail the independence of the courts.

The government also took control of the state media shortly after the owner of the election and overthrew the leadership of the time.

The mediator is an important player as a defender of an independent judiciary and the rights of vulnerable groups. Adam Bodnar stands out as a defender of democracy, defender of fundamental human rights and the protection of minorities, he said in the grounds of the Foundation.

Adam Bodnar received the award in front of a crowd of DNS on Sunday.

Adam Bodnar received the award in front of a crowd of DNS on Sunday.

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