Downgrade: Trump Advisor is suspected of having "conspired" with Russia


It is clear from previous secret documents that the American press now has access. The material includes, among other things, a request from the FBI and the Department of Justice to cancel the 2016 page, as well as several requests for renewal of the permit.

The US President is retracted after publication and recalls the interception of his former advisor as part of a party. and "illegal" conspiracy, as the federal police was based in part on information from research funded by the Democrats.

– Targeted Recruited

The New York Times, USA Today and several other media demanded that the documents be published the US Public Administration Act. The documents are published by the Washington Department of Justice with a long tail.

– The FBI thinks that Page has been targeted by the Russian authorities, as called the FBI's initial request. Then, some words are censored before the text continues: "Infiltrate and influence the outcome of the presidential elections in 2016, in violation of the US Penal Code."

– The FBI believes Carter Page has collaborated and conspired with the Russian government.

The papers are published a little over a week after researcher Robert Mueller, investigating the possible cooperation between Trump's election campaign and Russia, was accused of twelve Russian intelligence officials. They are accused of facing a data disruption during Trump's election campaign for the Democratic Hillary Clinton Challenger. Eposts and documents that were stolen were then published via WikiLeaks

The publication also arrives shortly after a week in which the Trump summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin has attracted a lot of attention. Trump seems to accept the refusal of the Russian leader that Russia interferes with the elections and completely ignore the findings of the US intelligence services.

– Witch Hunt

In a series of reports on Twitter, the president says the documents confirm He led a "witch hunt" against his election campaign because some of the information that was originally Listening to Page came from the former British intelligence officer Christopher Steele. Steele was hired by the Clinton campaign to examine their political opponent as part of the election campaign.

However, Trump does not mention that the FBI in his application recounts in detail his sources and that a referee reviewed the material and approved it. Then three other judges also examined the issue and gave the go-ahead for further monitoring.

(© NTB)

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