Elin (21) prevented the expulsion of "bad" Afghans. Now she is in danger of being imprisoned.


– Anyway, I would do the same thing if I needed it. But I do not think I'll be able to board an airplane that would ship asylum seekers in the future, "Ersson told the Swedish Telegraphic Agency TT [19659002]. prevent the Swedish authorities from sending Afghans, mainly young people, out of Sweden.

Last Monday, Elin Ersson became known around the world after buying a plane ticket with Turkish Airlines from Gothenburg to Istanbul.

The "good" asylum seeker was not in the plane

She and other activists had learned that an elderly asylum seeker 26 years old was to be transported from Sweden on this flight.

When Ersson arrived on board, she realized that the 26 – year – old man was not in the plane. However, it was a 52 year old Afghan who was also to be transported. That 's what the young activist himself said at a press conference Thursday night

Ersson refused to sit down and demanded that the captain order him to do so. 52 year old man leaving the plane. She sent live from the scene and after about 15 minutes, the captain ordered her and 52 years to leave the plane.

The video was broadcast in record time on social media and quickly retrieved by newspapers and TV stations. ] Legal Post

The incident in the plane was reported to the police, and now he can get legal feedback. The Swedish prosecutor has opened an investigation into whether Elin Ersson has violated the Swedish Aviation Act and thus committed a criminal offense.

– The investigation will indicate whether there has been an offense, says Robin Simsson, press secretary at the Göteborg Prosecutor's Office for the Expressen newspaper. According to the same newspaper, the prosecutor James von Reis says his decision will not arrive before the end of next week

According to the Swedish Aviation Act, air passengers must obey the captain if they do not risk no fines or imprisonment for up to six months. Elin Ersson believes that the event does not qualify for the offense. At the press conference, she was asked how she envisioned the possible legal consequences.

– I contacted a lawyer and I will not comment on this issue without being present, replied Ersson.

Aftenposten tried to get in touch with Ersson, without luck

Originally from Iran

The 21-year-old action did not prevent deportation of 52, but the expulsion was postponed indefinitely. Various media reports that the 52-year-old man is convicted in Sweden.

Elin Ersson says she and the actors of "Strike" because they believe that Swedish authorities are sending Afghans to safe death. The Swedish authorities consider the security situation in Afghanistan as serious, but only in certain regions and provinces is it dangerous to send people back.

The German International Broadcasting Organization Deutsche Welle interviewed the 26-year-old asylum seeker. He says he was six when the family moved to Mashhad in Iran. His mother and two sisters live in Sweden, but he has been in Sweden for a short time. He is denied asylum three times.

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