Emergency Relief Personnel – NRK Urix – Foreign News and Documentaries


Tuesday night, Italian firefighters arrive to relieve a thin Swedish preparation, which carried the wildfires, which are considered the worst in the country in modern times.

– Our crews struggled and worked all night. We need more staff and equipment. There is a lack of everything, really, and the problem is that we have no staff to relieve the crews. Some jobs are 24-hour guards, says Torbjörn Wannqvist, emergency preparedness manager in the municipality of Ljusdal in Aftonbladet

According to SVT, large parts of Sweden are affected by forest fires. According to SOS Alarm, at 4 pm Monday, there were more than 60 fires throughout Sweden, to varying degrees. As in Norway, a total ban on open fires has also been introduced in a number of municipalities in the country.

SVT reports directly on the fires and writes that it burns in Dalarna, Gävleborg, Jämtland, Västra Götaland, Hälsingland, Kronoberg, Uppsala, Stockholm Sweden, Värmland, Norrbotten and Västerbotten


UTE OF CONTROL: The situation of the emergency service in the country is extreme and is described as the worst of modern times.

Photo: Mats Andersson / TT / TT NYBÅÅN

Ammunition in the forest

In Älvdalen in Dalarna, central Sweden, about an hour from the Norwegian border, thirty-four firefighters and soldiers fight to fight One of the fires

According to Aftonbladet, the extinction effort is complicated by the fact shooting ranges and large quantities of intact ammunition in the woods affected by the fire.

– We do not dare to send people there. Until we recovered the ammunition, we only bombed the helicopters, in addition to extinguishing the outer edge of the area, said emergency chief Per-Erik Jonsson to the newspaper.

Aftonbladet writes that firefighters managed to create a 700-meter border. fire. Nevertheless, it spreads rapidly north to Herjedalen

– I can say so much that the work is very demanding, says Jonsson.

SE VIDEO: A fire helicopter extinguished many people Friday forest fires in southern Norway

– Almost impossible to extinguish

As in Norway, the temperatures in central Sweden are also very hot, with temperatures of about 30 degrees. In addition, there is a lot of wind in the region

Fire Chief Johan Szymanski tells Aftonbladet that it is virtually impossible to extinguish the fire in Älvdalen, as it is noticeable. is currently the case

– The only way to extinguish a forest fire that with a pipe, and then use steel pipes to water the soil water. The helicopter bombing will help dampen the fire, but if you turn it off, you have to do it from the ground, Szymanski said.

– It is almost impossible to extinguish the fire because it is too dangerous to send personnel